iPF Noob
Looks like while trying for liberty I have stumbled onto an electrum instead, guess ill have 38 hrs to wait before my next liberty attempt.
And now the result of my investigation of the "Social box".
Right now the 18/7 at 18:46 I have ended up with 18 gems. Thank you all!
Some of the givers have been kind enough to give twice. Thanks!
Because of this, I am not 100 % sure of the result.
But it looks like, when you have got a gem from somebody, you can only "get rid of this notation" "in the box", either by giving or by clearing.
If someone have found other results, it would be interesting to hear about it.
Now I will start giving back again! Hope some of you have discovered, you get gems from some of my other acounts
Any conclusions from my investigation?
I am not contented with the fact, givers are "jumping around" in the Social box. If I want to "give from the bottom" of the list, I am not - no longer - sure, people get in right order. Thought the box should help .....
Yesterday at sea in my own boat. What a day!
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Thank you for carrying out your study. I had also noticed that people's names move once you have collected their gift which made it difficult comparing the list day to day. have you tried gifting yourself from one of your many games? I have very few friends for my second game and so I gifted my main game. It will be interesting to see how long the name remains on my list.
It would be wonderful if we could gift more gems as I would love to gift all my friends everyday.
Will try that.. But it would be nice for them to fix the bug
Argh. Stupid Platinum fail. Still no Electrum or Ouro for me yet
Don't worry, I'm waiting with you on the platy fail. Do we know if the electrum and ouro are limited or not?
Don't worry, I'm waiting with you on the platy fail. Do we know if the electrum and ouro are limited or not?
Given that neither has the little ted hourglass symbols on their picture in the store, I'd suggest they are both permanent additions.
I believe the Electrum is permanent, but I'm not sure about the Ouro. I guess we should check the market to see if the hourglass shows up by the dragon or not.
EDIT: neither one has an hourglass showing to be limited. I did get the "news" that the Liberty will be gone after the 24th.
I need a boro boro.. Hahahaha...
I'm with you. Epic fails - platy electrum and cyclops and heaps of quicksilver - ahhhhh No 'boro boro' in sight for me either!
diz diz dizzy