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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Hello everybody,
I read the first 57 pages and jumped now to here, cause i found out how to spend more than 3 gems a day to ur friends. I hope its New to u and helps (sry for misstakes, my iPad always tries to write German words and it sucks to correct that all the time).
It takes 24 hours to collect new partyhats as we all know. I have 2 friends who i got later on the List than the others. So at about 5 o'clock i can collect most of the hats and the 2 who came later on the List have none. But when i move to their islands directly from another friend (IMPORTANT !!!! Dont go home in between) and Click on my friends list it says, i have 3 more gifts, although i already spent mine. So i always jump to the two friends, back and forth, and each time, i get 3 more gifts i can spend until its about 7 o'clock when the other 2 also have partyhats to collect, than this doesnt work anymore.
Make sure that when you try a combo of any kind that you try them forwards and backwards cause sometimes it just works better. Example storm + mud or mud + storm. By trying it both ways you can sometimes get the dragon you were looking for and not have to worry or take sooooo many tries.
Hi, am being a bit lazy but wondered if someone could give me a quick answer as to what a blue fire egg looks like. I have been trying fire and snow combo for over 40 tries with no luck. Finally have a 12 hour incubation but knowing my luck it is probably a cold dragon. It has been so long I can't remember what that egg looks like either, lol
Hi, am being a bit lazy but wondered if someone could give me a quick answer as to what a blue fire egg looks like. I have been trying fire and snow combo for over 40 tries with no luck. Finally have a 12 hour incubation but knowing my luck it is probably a cold dragon. It has been so long I can't remember what that egg looks like either, lol
It's red with white snowflakes on it
Noodlebear007 said:
Hi, am being a bit lazy but wondered if someone could give me a quick answer as to what a blue fire egg looks like. I have been trying fire and snow combo for over 40 tries with no luck. Finally have a 12 hour incubation but knowing my luck it is probably a cold dragon. It has been so long I can't remember what that egg looks like either, lol

You can see it for your self http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/52987-dragon-vale-breeding-list-pictures.html
Brooklyn11220 said:
It's red with white snowflakes on it

Woohoo! You have just made my day. Bedtime for me soon and in the morning I may have me a blue fire. All good things come to those who wait. ( for a long long long time )
Brooklyn, I sent you a friend request but am not sure if I did it right. Is it the same as your username here?
I want to see a moon dragon! :-)
looks like i will be trying the bluefire/crystal
btw do those dragons of yours come from already hybrid ones. I mean the bluefire must be, but how about the crystal is it bred from just earth and lightning or from a combination?

Just tried Crystal and Bluefire and got breeding time of 48 hours, I am so excited, after trying for a long time. I had the Bluefire on the left for the first 3 ttimes and switched them just now. That did the trick. don't know what it will be but don't care since I need them all still! Now for the wait........... :-)
Just want to share..

Fire plus water means air and instant 500k in 2 hours. Solved my coin problem right away. Hehe.

Add me as well master brooklyn gcid poohtek.. Ty

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