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Moray said:
Ok after a series of experiments, the result is this. I write a document in Pages on the iPad. I email it to myself as an attachment, either as a pdf, a pgs, or a doc. I twll Mail to "open in dropbox" . All three versions open inDropbox. The pdf is perfect and has the formatting correct.The .doc opens but has not preserved the formatting. The.pgs is difficult to open, but preserves the formatting.

That is exactly how to do it with any app that you can mail from that you want to get into dropbox.
Email file to your self. Select "open in DropBox". Easy breezy.
Yes, but it is not a very satisfactory solution. If I have a very large document, or one with large numbers of photos or,complex formatting, I may not be able,to,do,this. Surely in the limit I may have a document that is too big for my email but should fit into Dropbox. Does anyone have an alternative to,Dropbox they recommend that can take Pages documents directly?
Moray said:
Yes, but it is not a very satisfactory solution. If I have a very large document, or one with large numbers of photos or,complex formatting, I may not be able,to,do,this. Surely in the limit I may have a document that is too big for my email but should fit into Dropbox. Does anyone have an alternative to,Dropbox they recommend that can take Pages documents directly?

Yes, but it is not a very satisfactory solution. If I have a very large document, or one with large numbers of photos or,complex formatting, I may not be able,to,do,this. Surely in the limit I may have a document that is too big for my email but should fit into Dropbox. Does anyone have an alternative to,Dropbox they recommend that can take Pages documents directly?

Box.com. They have a WebDAV server that can be accessed directly from the iWorks apps.
I know I could use iCloud, but that means that I have to use Lion on my iMac. i have heard varied opinions about Lion - and I await Mountain Lion. What do you all think?
Moray said:
I know I could use iCloud, but that means that I have to use Lion on my iMac. i have heard varied opinions about Lion - and I await Mountain Lion. What do you all think?

I have Lion and I've not had a single issue with it.

The Archangel
Moray said:
I know I could use iCloud, but that means that I have to use Lion on my iMac. i have heard varied opinions about Lion - and I await Mountain Lion. What do you all think?

Go to www.icloud.com and log in with your apple ID. You can upload or download your files. You can do this on any computer with Internet access. If you have not upgraded to Lion, you might as well wait. Lion is/was 29.95 and Mountain Lion is only 19.95. Regardless, you can still use iCloud with pages on the Mac and on iPad and iPhone.
Lion changes a few things, but is otherwise stable. It had a few minor issues (for some people) when it first came out, but Apple, as usual, fixed these in the first few updates. Mountain Lion is likely to be the same. Almost all major OS releases are.

But, as long as your Snow Leopard is completely up to date, you're going to be able to upgrade straight to Mountain Lion for only $19.99. It might be worth waiting for that reason.
twerppoet said:
Lion changes a few things, but is otherwise stable. It had a few minor issues (for some people) when it first came out, but Apple, as usual, fixed these in the first few updates. Mountain Lion is likely to be the same. Almost all major OS releases are.

But, as long as your Snow Leopard is completely up to date, you're going to be able to upgrade straight to Mountain Lion for only $19.99. It might be worth waiting for that reason.

Thanks for the advice. I'll wait for Mountain Lion and hope that deals with the problems.
You could just use the send to iTunes option. Then when you sync with iTunes on your iMac just go to the Apps tab, scroll down to the list of apps that share their documents with iTunes, find Pages, select the document, click "Save to" and save it where you want.
I just ran into this Pages and Dropbox problem and almost regretted purchasing Pages. I don't know if others have tried this and I just tested it with a simple Pages file with no complicated formatting. (Ipad 3, OS 5.1, latest version of Pages for the iPad)

Here's how I uploaded directly through Pages:
1) After making a Pages document, click on Tools (wrench icon, upper righthand corner)
2) Select "Open in another app". You'll see 3 document options: "Pages", "PDF", "Word". Select the option you prefer. Pages will then save the document. (I tried "Pages" and "Word" but not PDF)
3) You'll next see a box "Open in" with Dropbox as one of your App options. Select Dropbox. This will open the Dropbox app and you can then save the file.

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