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Dumb Question

iPadOne - if you notice, I too have posted multiple times in this thread. Unlike you, I believe it is my responsibility to continue to act civilly or if not, to keep my thoughts to myself. As someone who runs a large IT Department, and is used to dealing with my fair share of "I told you" moments, I can understand where you come from. But where you are going is not something that I can condone, nor would I be interested in from a vendor on a personal or professional basis.

As a businessman, I can tell you that your posts on this forum are on behalf of your company. While you gain the benefit of free advertising every time you post on this forum by virtue of your profile and signature, so must you accept responsibility for the actions of yourself as an employee of said company.

I do not wish for this to become a heated discussion. Nor to hijack this thread. So I will no longer respond to this matter in forum. If you wish to continue this discussion elsewhere, you are free to contact me by private message.

I highly appreciate your assistance, professionalism, and support of my inquiry in this post.
Don't be worry at all, let me just explain to some details as a member of the community

iPadOne - if you notice, I too have posted multiple times in this thread. Unlike you, I believe it is my responsibility to continue to act civilly or if not, to keep my thoughts to myself. As someone who runs a large IT Department, and is used to dealing with my fair share of "I told you" moments, I can understand where you come from.

CG i also notice you try to help,

But where you are going is not something that I can condone, nor would I be interested in from a vendor on a personal or professional basis.

As a businessman, I can tell you that your posts on this forum are on behalf of your company. While you gain the benefit of free advertising every time you post on this forum by virtue of your profile and signature, so must you accept responsibility for the actions of yourself as an employee of said company.

In the company i am the CEO and i manage 41 staff and i do business for more than 23 years ...

I do not wish for this to become a heated discussion. Nor to hijack this thread. So I will no longer respond to this matter in forum. If you wish to continue this discussion elsewhere, you are free to contact me by private message.

I am not hater at all, my door is always open for the one in need, as i believe what you give in one hand you have chance to receive twice ... but in same time as everybody i have my own limit and i am sure you also have you're one. ( as we say in spanish: ''que tiene los huevos'' )

For me the subject is yet closed and welcome to turn the page
Stevenflaugher was actually too intelligent for the 'techie' on this site. Clearly a computer device should not depend on another computer for it's lifeblood. It's very unbelieveable that the device is a brick when it comes in the mail. There is no reason not to expect a computing device of the IPADs capability to be able to boot up, be able to initialize 3G, and download additional applications. If a techie can't understand that, then how can they function in a techie job or anywhere with real people. To create a product that simplifies computing and multimedia and then make it dependent on the person to be a computer tech just to turn it on, must be a bad plan. They are missing the market of the elderly that the device would most likely benefit. The one I bought is strictly for my 75 yr old mom. I would never overspend on a ridiculous IPAD for myself. I'm running my own multi networks at home and I live alone. Excellent questions by steve was met with broken english by a small world techie.
Please go away with an attitude like that. The iPad is not for geek snobs. It is a handy device for a large number of people.

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