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DVD collection on iPad 2


iPF Noob
Hi guys!

I got a little problem. I want to have my Miami Vice dvd collection on my iPad. It is a big collection, but absolutly fantastic!
How do I do that step by step?


because I am a Dutch guy, I need subtitles. I the DVD menu i always choose Dutch, but now I can't manually select it, how can I have subtitles?

I hope you wonderful guys can help me!

Thanks in advance,
There were around 110 episodes over 5 seasons and assuming that you have them in avi format then you would need around 39g (a normal 1hr timeslot show is 45min and around 350mb). If you could find them in MTV format you would need around 17g (I have seen a reg show ripped to mkv at 150mm).

To play them get oplayer hd, it will play almost any format and it does support subtitles which a lot of players do not.

Not sure you need the whole collection on the iPad at the same time. Most I keep on mine is max of 6 episodes of any given show, don't see any reason for more unless I was going for a long trip with just the iPad, but I almost always have my iMac along so I can add or delete them off the iPad.
I have the 32 gb wifi unjailbreakt iPad2..
I also heard something about DVD Profiler. But i also heard bad things about that.

The collection is original and are DVD's..
I used DVD Profiler years ago, it was great. Want to star using it again.

Have heard they have an iPad app now.

I have a app that plays .avi and many supported formats. It is called GPlayer, and the free versions is GPlayer light. It even has subtitle menu.

DVD profiler is in the apps store for $8 or 9. I have not used it but I have several programs on my iMac for conversion from DVD to avi or mp4. For movie info I use imdb (there is an app for it to).

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