Thank you for your summary DVD Catalyst. Imagine a plug and play device !!! What will they think of next, someone should invent an ..... Wait for it .... An iPad! Seriously, based on your previous link, and now your update I went and ordered it from Amazon. I'm getting it on Wednesday next week. Thank you.
You are welcome Matt,
I am thinking about writing a more detailed review about the drive, but it sort of borders to being a competitor to my own software
I played with a few video files earlier today. I hooked up a 1TB external drive, and played some video files from it.
The drive was formatted as NTFS and I was actually surprised that it worked. I don't think HFS/HFS+ (MAC) drives would work, but usually these types of devices only like a FAT file-system.
I tried a variety of different video files.
AVI's worked fine. just standard DIVX/XVID with MP3 and AC3 audio played fine.
I also tried a few MKV's, but didn't have a chance yet to see which actual formats for video/audio were supported. Some files worked, some didn't.
But in all cases, it did result in hickups during playback, and a nice warning message that my device was too slow to play the files. I was doing this on my iPad3.
One warning, and I hope it was a bit clear in my previous reply, it was a bit of a battle to get it setup.
When you get it, I would suggest to actually use it as a router at first to set it up.
I hooked it on to my router and the internal IP range was the same as the external one, so it was a mess. After changing the range, it was a bit easier, but if you hook the ethernet port directly to your ISP connection, and connect with a computer (PC) using wireless to it, it should be setup in no-time at all.