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Easiest and quickest way of getting my ipad to play avi files

Hi, I downloaded VLC but it won't run, tells me I need VLC helper from memory but I can't find one that downloads, a message comes up saying that VLC will email it to me but still waiting on that one, any ideas.
You can't put a program on the iPad (as a download from the Internet). The only way to install programs on the iPad is to go through the AppStore and get them.

Unfortunately, VLC is no longer offered at the AppStore. It was pulled over a year ago and is no longer available there. You could, however, jailbreak your iPad and get VLC from Cydia (the jail breaker's "app store").

Just so's you'll know why VLC won't work and why you can't find files on your iPad...

Sorry, I didn't realize there is more than one app with the name VLC in the title. There is a VLC player that was pulled, but obviously, we aren't talking about the same app...

So, what is the exact, full name of your app? And the developer's name? If we know which app you are having issues with, we can help. Thanks.

You'll need to go to this site to download the streamer for your computer: http://hobbyistsoftware.com/vlcstreamer

I didn't do this, but I am assuming that once you download and install the streamer program onto your computer, the app will then be able to find and thus stream the movies on your computer to your iPad.


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