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Email sending problems

I'm having trouble too with everything I try to access, like apps: games. It asks me for an ID and password, no matter what I insert, it says that password has been used in the last year.........can't I use the same password for all my apps? I can't remember from 1 day to the next what password I've used b/c I have to just keep
trying different ones until it accepts it and then I'm lost, so, in 2 mo. I've not been
able to access the games app. Even when I give my apple ID and password, it tends to spit it back at me eventho I know its right. I haven't even turned it on today, I'm just so discouraged and feel so totally dumb. My email I set up same as my PC email, thats all I know how to do, and I can only send, not receive. Have no clue how to find the internet either. Nothing on the iPad makes any sense to me at all.
I don't get it, but then this is the first Apple product I've ever owned.
I had the same problems sending email as was noted in the original post, but I followed Antsplan instructions to reenter user ID and password and now outgoing mail is working OK. I did restart the iPad and when I open mail a couple of outgoing messages were immediately sent. Thanks for the help
I can receive emails, but can't send emails. Anyone have suggestions?
I had the same problem with my ipad and use roadrunner. No one at Apple Care could help me. Finally called my computer tech and he told me what to do. The outgoing STPL server is mail.roadrunner.com and you must turn off the SLL. Worked for me.
Have joined just to thank you. You have solved my email problem. But you do have to redraft iPad. At least I had to.
Thank you very much again
Sending mail from an application other than mail

I can send and receive mail from the mail application.
Can not send mail from any other application, or forward link from an application. This is a new problem with my iPad 1 :confused:

Yay! I have been trying to get my email to work with my iPad for months now. I used the same settings as I did for my iPhone but I was stumped when the settings that worked on one wouldn't work on the other. I joined this group a few days ago hoping to find some answers to this and other questions that have me scratching my head and eureka, one of my biggest frustrations has been resolved. I put in the passwords for the outgoing server and it worked seamlessly, no reboot required. Now to start searching for threads to help me resolve my iCloud email issues...
cant set up a non gmail or non hotmail account on my ipad

Hi , i have done all the recommendations but it still is rejecting my outgoing server. my email is a .ie account i.e. not a hotmail or gmail. i have no problems setting up hotmail or gmail.

i am putting in the same password that i use for my incoming email and not sure about the user name for outgoing email but have tried both my 'name' and my 'email address' but either way i can not send or receive email from this account. i am using the same settings as is on my laptop and they work fine. i even rang my outgoing server provider (UPC) and they said to use the incoming password.

what am i doing wrong ? please ? i have even switched ipad on and off ! i cant find what the outgoing server would be for my hotmail account because when i go into it (in settings) it only says that S/MIME is off

i have tried setting my .ie mail outgoing server to the gmail outgoing server, but it wont accept this either (keeps telling me that the name or password for my 'ie' email account is incorrect.

my primary server is set to smtp.mail.com . is this OK or is this part of the problem ?
where am i goign wrong ? many thanks in advance for any help
What is Jailbreak, how does one use it and how do I find it? Wish you could write to my email acct. But probably I can't write
It on here. Chances are I will have trouble finding this thread again but please reply if you will
What is Jailbreak, how does one use it and how do I find it? Wish you could write to my email acct. But probably I can't write
It on here. Chances are I will have trouble finding this thread again but please reply if you will


Please do not continue to interrupt other threads with questions about jail breaking. Breaking into another's topic to ask completely unrelated questions is poor forum etiquette, is called "thread hijacking" and is against our rules.

You have asked this question about jail breaking in several threads - and received an answer in at least one of them. For the record, here is a sticky [again] so you can read up on jailbreaking: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=2838

But, most importantly, please do not interrupt other conversations. If you have a question that a search of this forum does not answer, please start your own thread [conversation] to ask your question or to bring up your concern.

Thanks for your understanding.

Moderator, iPadForums.net
My Ipad email issue is that when I send an email, it tells me that sending failed, and the email is in the Outbox. But when it is there, it actually has been sent, and then it resends over and over again, until I just go and delete it. One email went to my husband 16 times, until I finally deleted it out of the outbox. Help, people are thinking that I am spamming them with multiple copies of the same email sent over and over.....
aliceF said:
Hi , i have done all the recommendations but it still is rejecting my outgoing server. my email is a .ie account i.e. not a hotmail or gmail. i have no problems setting up hotmail or gmail.

i am putting in the same password that i use for my incoming email and not sure about the user name for outgoing email but have tried both my 'name' and my 'email address' but either way i can not send or receive email from this account. i am using the same settings as is on my laptop and they work fine. i even rang my outgoing server provider (UPC) and they said to use the incoming password.

what am i doing wrong ? please ? i have even switched ipad on and off ! i cant find what the outgoing server would be for my hotmail account because when i go into it (in settings) it only says that S/MIME is off

i have tried setting my .ie mail outgoing server to the gmail outgoing server, but it wont accept this either (keeps telling me that the name or password for my 'ie' email account is incorrect.

my primary server is set to smtp.mail.com . is this OK or is this part of the problem ?
where am i goign wrong ? many thanks in advance for any help

Delete the entire account then recreate. iOS will populate known smtp server names for most providers and all you need does enter he password which at setup time is populated to both the incoming and outgoing smtp server setups for the account.

This is an easier process than drilling around the advanced settings of an existing problematic email account.
My Ipad email issue is that when I send an email, it tells me that sending failed, and the email is in the Outbox. But when it is there, it actually has been sent, and then it resends over and over again, until I just go and delete it. One email went to my husband 16 times, until I finally deleted it out of the outbox. Help, people are thinking that I am spamming them with multiple copies of the same email sent over and over.....

My suggestion is to completely erase that email address from your iPad. Then put it all back in again. That should
Solve the conflict

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