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Email sending problems

My mother is having the same problem from her ipad with a msn email account. She can receive emails fine, but cannot send them and gets the message

A copy has been placed in your Outbox. Sending the message content to the server failed.

I have tried entering the same password in both primary and other outgoing SMTP servers, but I still get the same message. It is not allowing me to turn off the other SMTP server, as when I turn it off and press done, it is still showing as on.

I have also tried removing the account and re-entering it, but still have the same problem when trying to send mail.

It is annoying now, as I cannot think what else to try, as I have tried everything on this thread, but still not sending.
dinom said:
My mother is having the same problem from her ipad with a msn email account. She can receive emails fine, but cannot send them and gets the message

A copy has been placed in your Outbox. Sending the message content to the server failed.

I have tried entering the same password in both primary and other outgoing SMTP servers, but I still get the same message. It is not allowing me to turn off the other SMTP server, as when I turn it off and press done, it is still showing as on.

I have also tried removing the account and re-entering it, but still have the same problem when trying to send mail.

It is annoying now, as I cannot think what else to try, as I have tried everything on this thread, but still not sending.

Can you post a screen grab like the one provided below? It can be obtained by looking at the advanced Settings on outbound smtp.

It's still in your outgoing settings. Something really small, that you just keep putting back in.
I went to my laptop and. Copied my outgoing settings from there and finally I got it right.

You can chat free to Apple.com too and ask them or call your IP, usually they know how to set it also
Good Luck
I, too, have the problem. My incomomg mail server is set at pop3.live.com while my out going mail server is set at smtp.live.com. I have a hotmail account. Should they be the same? I tried changing them both to pop3.live.com both with and without a password and still no help. Was prepared to try to see what my iMac was set at but do not k ow where to find the email settings. Do not see it under the System Preferences tab...
This setting is wrong, it should be a to. smtp.gmail.com. If its a gmail acct. that's outgoing. Incoming should be. Pop.gmail.com
These settings are incorrect, incoming should be: pop.live.com. And outgoing is. smtp.live.com
Take out the "3"
Try this and let me know please Carol
Can you post a screen grab like the one provided below? It can be obtained by looking at the advanced Settings on outbound smtp.

View attachment 16863
It's not a setting, you only get that message if you have the email address wrong. Tell her to. Check the email address she is
Sending the email to. A good test would be for her to send an email to herself. Let me know if this solves the problem
Yay! I have been trying to get my email to work with my iPad for months now. I used the same settings as I did for my iPhone but I was stumped when the settings that worked on one wouldn't work on the other. I joined this group a few days ago hoping to find some answers to this and other questions that have me scratching my head and eureka, one of my biggest frustrations has been resolved. I put in the passwords for the outgoing server and it worked seamlessly, no reboot required. Now to start searching for threads to help me resolve my iCloud email issues...
What is the problem with your iCloud email? Does it take over as the primary mail program? Settings mail, remove it as your main email program.
This setting is wrong, it should be a to. smtp.gmail.com. If its a gmail acct. that's outgoing. Incoming should be. Pop.gmail.com
Hello loverem36 you seem to have the answers, I too are having this problem. My host name is pop.europe.secureserver.net and my out going mail server is smtpout.europe.secureserver.net . I can receive emails but I've never been able to reply or send emails. I've spoken to the provider and they are stumped!!! Please help me.
Hello loverem36 you seem to have the answers, I too are having this problem. My host name is pop.europe.secureserver.net and my out going mail server is smtpout.europe.secureserver.net . I can receive emails but I've never been able to reply or send emails. I've spoken to the provider and they are stumped!!! Please help me.

If you are in Europe it could be different settings but what I see right away is that for your outgoing (smtpout) why do you need the word "out" in there. I think it should be: smtp.europe.secureserver.net
Please email me Moderator Edit: please refer to rule 11.1 do not include your email address in your post and we can work on it together
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I have finally figured it out!! What a nightmare but for all those struggling with this problem, try this.... I entered all the details and verified the mail account then went back to the outgoing server settings and entered in the "optional" user name and password. First attempt did not work but when I entered the password first then username it started to work.

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