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Emails stuck in Outbox

You're welcome. Maybe we can solve that last mystery as well.

Here are a few other screenshots, hopefully they'll help getting rid of the wrong information:

If the wrong name is connected to the the iCloud account, go to Settings - iCloud. Your name and email address will be visible at the top right. If the wrong name is there, tap the name:

Then, select "Edit":

Now it will be possible to write your first and last name (1), which will replace the wrong name. After entering your name, tap "Done" (2).
Hi again J.A
Still a mystery - iPad Settings iCloud and underneath it states my MAIN computer email - goody.blue etc.
To the Right Hand Side of this there is a large grey circle with MD inside. Then at the side it states
Margaret Davies and underneath, again, my goody.blue address.
With my iPad I have at least two addresses, one is for my Yahoo Account and the other for my iCloud one.
I normally only use the Yahoo one but in situations where I take photos with my iPad and then edit them
before forwarding to my main Computer they seem to get sent from iCloud. Actually, although I pay an annual fee
of £7.95 for iCloud, I never use it for storing pictures or anything. My main computer is not Apple it is a HP All-inOne.

The plot thickens - I have just sent a fourth test email and yes, when I look up Sent in iCloud Mailbox, still shows
Sylvia B !!!!!! Not only that, I seem to have four email addresses, one ending in fsnet.co or com and the other
a gmail.com
My head is spinning, I am off to town to clear my head!!!! Yu must be equally frustrated at my inability to
achieve successful outcome - though I have slightly improved over the 75101 doodahs.
That's interesting.

When you open the Contacts app, you will find "My Card" in the list, at the top. Your name should be there. Is that information right?
Blimey - NO Have opened the Contacts App and on the left hand side, large Grey Circle with MD in middle.
Move to right hand side, another large grey circle with SB in middle and alongside this Sylvia and surname [won't say full name on here ]
underneath email in blue and underneath the full email address of Sylvia
and underneath that, email in blue again and one of my email addresses @ icloud.com

I do not know how you are able to seemingly get to the bottom of this mystery???

I really must pop out now - back later.
Hi again

Yes, will just confirm,Large Grey Circle with MD then at the side Margaret Davies Underneath states My Card but further to the right, Large Grey Circle states SB and then Sylvia ---- at the side
Well, well, what can I say - hallelujah or flag goes up, yes, the problem has finally been solved - thanks totally to your commitment and expertise in helping forum users. I feel so fortunate that I had the sense to see if there was an iPad 2 Help Forum and then, especially, having you displaying enormous patience with my stupidity at times and your determination to find a solution for me.
Thank you so much J.A. - this Forum has a wonderful Asset with you being available to help,
My very grateful thanks
You were brave and asked your questions, in order to get help. And with a little bit of assistance, you could solve your problem. That's not stupid. Stupid is someone who doesn't ask, imo.

We all had to get to know our iPad, and learn how to handle it, me too. Just stick around, and you'll learn a lot about your iPad on this forum.

If you have any other problems, just ask. We have quite a few knowledgeable members, willing to solve "riddles", such as yours. :)

I'm glad I could help. :)
I knew nothing about iPads when I purchased my first one back in 2011. The members here were very helpful with any questions I had. Unless you ask, nobody knows you have a question that needs answering.

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