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erasing all data on my ipad air

One thing I feel needs to be stated, you must use the same Apple ID for the new iPad Air that you used for the old one - your Apple ID is what connects everything. Otherwise, if you set up a new Apple ID, you will be starting from scratch and your old data won't be carried over.
I think I am getting there now... so I will have to do the following steps:

backup personal files to dropbox
perform iCloud backup
disable "find my Ipad" and delete iCloud account
reset the Ipad

then my sister in law will start my first Ipad air like it was brand new
and I will start my new Ipad air with the option that I already have an apple id

Did I understand right?
Ok, thank you very much J.A. and ardchoille, you really prevent me making big mistakes......Thank you again!
Hi all, thank you very much for your help, I have done what you said and sold my basic Ipad air, now I have another question please: I bumped in an online shop seller(ebay) and this guy said that what you told me is not true.... he says that as soon I put my apple id or sign in with another device(second hand) there is always the 5Gb free storage what ever the previous owner done it or not..... I tried to explain that the previous owner has to follow the procedure that you told me, but he still deny that..... anyone has an official apple link for this matter? I really would like to forward to taht guy..........
Well, if he doesn't believe you, show him this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5661

There were a few members of iPF lately that couldn't activate their device because the iCloud account wasn't deleted or Find my iPad was still enabled and the iPad wasn't removed from the iCloud account of the previous owners. That's the reason why you have to do this.

Of course the new owner gets the 5 GB of free space as soon as he activates the device and sets up the iCloud account. That's not possible when it's still connected to another iCloud account.
True, so true. The iCloud account goes with the Apple ID, not the device, so you will have access to YOUR 5 GB cloud space and she won't.

It has to be released, however, on the iPad so the new owner can use the iPad itself - otherwise the iPad thinks it is stolen.

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