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Error in iBooks after upgrade to IOS 5

If thats the only way, I can try. I also have some books on a free program called eCalibre. I suppose I may have to resend them to my iTunes, then try to resync my iPad.
I removed the books purchased from outside sources from my iTunes & tried to sync. I was able to get back books I downloaded from iTunes, as well as my PDF files. I will attempt to redo the other books at a later time. Thanks for the assistance.
I removed the books purchased from outside sources from my iTunes & tried to sync. I was able to get back books I downloaded from iTunes, as well as my PDF files. I will attempt to redo the other books at a later time. Thanks for the assistance.
Well that's good news. At least you got that far! Best of luck on the rest!
I tried this after trying everything else and it seemed to work:
Select the Ibook app fro your ipad, select store, amke sure you sign on to your account, click on Support down the bottom of the screen, will take you to the itunes support screen
Select books from the menu, select download the ibooks app and it had an update to click on. Once it updated the books worked again.
Some of the books are in ePub format that I imported after purchasing from Barnes and noble. Could that be the issue? If so, any ideas on how to fix it? I have quite a few books that were not purchased thru iTunes and would like to have them on my iPad.

If I may add...

The odds are pretty good that any book you download from a store other than Apple's (such as Barnes & Noble, in this case) will not work in iBooks. This is because of Digital Rights Management (DRM) restrictions, not iOS 5 updates. With DRM, each major store "protects" their books so that they can only be read on that store's e-reader device or app.

The only suggestion in this case is to use an e-reader or app that Barnes & Noble supports. I think it's the Nook, right? But - with DRM, they'll never work in iBooks.

Welcome to e-books and publishers and DRM...

Thank you for this post!!!! Finally!!! I updated the iBooks app on my iPad by doing the above and this worked!!! Thank you
Again! My response is to Reynolds post.
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I use a free program called e-calibre. It is a free download that converts various formats for e readers. My experience is with ePub files. I cam convert them to mobi files for kindle, as well. In that program I open the ePub docs and drag and drop into iTunes. Then sync iTunes. It worked after I removed the books and re did. It.
Quick fix for iPad error 'document contains errors'

I am also having a problem. After updating to ios5, my books are gone. I have tried to sync and all to no avail. Any ideas on how to fix this?

I went through all the steps as described in this thread and nothing worked. Finally, I deleted the iBooks app and then downloaded it again and it fixed it...
Hi iPad specialist,

My name is Henk, living in the Netherlands, working for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovations.
After downloading iOS 5.0 recently I have problems with iBooks as discribed in the various topics. I have followed the different options as
advised, however the problem is not solved and my libary is still empty. Opening the iBooks via the App I see my empty libary for 5 seconds and than it is closing again. I very much hope you can give me advice to solve this problem with iBooks.
Thank you so much from the Netherlands.

Problem solved after running a full restore on advice from Apple Support. (December 30, 2011)
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thank you Reynolds

I tried this after trying everything else and it seemed to work:
Select the Ibook app fro your ipad, select store, amke sure you sign on to your account, click on Support down the bottom of the screen, will take you to the itunes support screen
Select books from the menu, select download the ibooks app and it had an update to click on. Once it updated the books worked again.

I was about to throw the (new) iPad overboard, but this worked!

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