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Even "Geezers" need an Ipad...


iPF Noob
Who the heck knew where he'd end up with his new Ipad??!!! My older brother, 75 yrs old and living on his own, wanted a computer for his writing class, so I took back his "always has a system-issue" Acer laptop, which for someone who doesn't understand how a lightbulb works can be a disaster waiting to happen... and bought him a 16gig 3G. He doesn't save much data, and writes little, but his writing class gets him out of the house. I've been in the graphics and printing industry, using PC's, since the late 80's, and I learned the Ipad over a weekend before giving it to him, and absolutely loved it; so did my wife. If I weren't so damn vested with PC devices, I'd get one for myself... and may still do that! Last time I spoke to my bro'... he learned how to Google really good... checked out all the model aircraft websites he could find... and then, in a late night phone conversation, gleefully explained that he had DISCOVERED PORN! ;) I told him "...he wasn't the first..." and I was actually thinking of explaining that subject area to him when I gave him the Ipad, but figured he'd find it on his own. So... therein lies the value of the Ipad; a very intuitive device that even a 75 year old, non-computer type, can learn in a short period of time. I personally think his recent "discovery ;)" was all the incentive he needed to very quickly "get familiar" with his new device. Thank you Apple! ..... Although, now, it's a bit harder to get him on the phone!? :o
Mike... it's totally true. Funny adendum; I did one month of AT&T 3G at $24, and he had only used 40% of his 2 gigs of data on day 20 of his one month usage. To the minute, on the 21st day that he discovered this, "porn thing"... his usage hit 80% during the following two days! Needless to say, I called Verizon, his landline phone carrier, and got a sweet deal on Nationalwide calling plus their fastest "unlimited" data, DSL based Wireless Modem package for $35/month. Frankly, I could care less about the "newly discovered websites" he's adopted. It's the large amount of data he's going to be consuming! The idea of a month to month is pretty good, if he were going on a vacation to where they don't have wireless services....... maybe like, The Bunny Ranch, in the desert outside of Vegas? :) Now I need to scout out a wireless printer for him. I'll be posting in the general part of the forum to see if anyone has an opinion on the HP Photosmart Plus E-series.
Summary action on this short story... I'm scheduled to go over to my brother's house this coming Wednesday morning to "hook up" his Verizon wireless modem, for his "unlimited porn...", er, excuse me, "his unlimited data service!" :)
Aiding and Abetting a Geezer...!

USBill... I'm thinking you're aiding and abetting the delinquency of a "major!" (Although... I do have a family Netflix account he might use!) So, if I contribute the Netflix account, and you make the suggesting...? By definition, here's where I think we're pushing the envelope.

A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. (I'm good for at least two out of three!?) Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy. :(

BTW, Even though it's advertised as a "month to month service", AT&T "auto renewed" my 3G today at 7am. Luckily, I was able to call them and get them to shut down the account and reverse the charges. They, like many vendors, use the default of... "if you don't tell us, we'll just re-up your subscription", rather than having clients take positive action to renew for another month. While I should have read the very small print, I also found misleading info on the AT&T webpage describing the service. I'll be very happy when my Brother's Wi-fi is up and running. Although, I'm now wondering if he'll "really get wise"... and start offering Wi-fi to all the gals in his building? (in exchange for...?) (I can't look!) :eek:

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