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Excited by my iPad ...so far ...


iPF Noob
Hi - here's hoping iPad Forums' advice helps me to keep 'flying' straight and level - and whilst I don't expect there to be anything as aeronautically satisfying as FS9 and FSX on my iPad, the performance of some apps - including PFAR Free - is astonishing.

I came late to Apple, having been weaned on Sinclair Basic, BBC Basic, Archimedes, then W95/98/2000/XP and on to W7, so iOS6 is a different challenge to get my 70+ yr-old head round.

Some initial irritations?
By Mr Cook's own admission, Apple's introduction of the new Maps app with iOS6 has been an unmitigated disaster, and large expanses of the UK are, for the forseeable future, effectively useless. BingMaps and GoogleMaps put it to shame.
I have found iCloud to be more complicated than DropBox or other online services and opening the default Desktop with its App Store, Apple Store, iTunes, iBooks icons etc throws up numerous enticements to buy yet more from an already very well-off Apple Inc.
Installation of a Microsoft OS and the Windows Desktop was never like this.
Why does Apple make file handling/import/export so hard and not accept the value of USB sockets or similar? I eventually managed to import 300+ contacts (with email and home addreses, mobile and tel nos etc) from MS Excel via Google mail - but it took several hours of trial, error and anguish before I got it right.

Having got that off my chest I must admit I like my 32GB iPad but £100 extra (+ a monthly contract) for occasional cellular use wasn't justified. It fires up fast using my Smart cover so I can quickly check my email inbox (but not the emails I send via Outlook), I can explore the internet for hours or show off my old photos (imported more conveniently via an SD card) almost instantly on a stunning display, and marvel at Siri (in spite of the irritating curser control when correcting typos). I'm sure there'll be other exciting uses and discoveries. If so I might even ask Father Christmas for an Apple iPhone.

Watch out for Swordbearer though - I'm sure he'll be coming your way soon!
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If you have not done so, please take a look at the iOS 5.0, 5.1 & 6.0:
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

You'll find the iPhone a perfect complement to the iPad, and you'll be glad you saved the £100, since you'll be able to tether the two and run both off one Internet service.

Of course, you can always do what I'm doing now, and sit outside a restaurant that has public wifi, and send your words around the world that way.

I trod a similar path to you, although I went to Commodore from the Sinclair ZX81, then briefly to the Amiga to PCs, starting with DOS and Windows 3.1. I've picked up the Apple system without too many problems and grown to love it. My next computer will be an Apple, and then the transformation will be complete.

Stick around the forum, because there is. Lot of knowledge to be gained, as well as some healthy banter with users all over the world.

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