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Face book in ipad

Are you using the web page or an app? Some web pages include code that mobile browsers can't handle. I tried Safari, Atomic, and Puffin. None of them worked with the standard web page. There might be others that do, but those are the only three I have handy.

You can work around this by going to the m.facebook.com pages instead. These are optimized for mobile browsing. Unfortunately they also assume you're on a phone, so the UI is very basic. But you can add notes this way. It is just sort of ugly and the editing capabilities are limited.

I use the app Friendly. You can do most things in FaceBook with it, including notes. The UI is nice and the app is cheap; either free, or 99 cents if you want to nix the adds.
Flipboard is cool. I don't use it much, because in the end I prefer the efficiency of Reeder. Flipboard does make FaceBook look great, but it doesn't offer as much control/interactivity, and the stuff it does offer are two to three screens deep. Again, it is a choice of efficiency over looks.

Where I do use Flipboard is on my less frequently read stuff and photo sites. Places where I'm going to do nothing but casually flip through articles and photos. The Magazine layout is great for that. Sometimes looks triumph. :)
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To me, the ultra-coolness and fun factor of Flipboard's user experience goes a long way to making up for the sheer boredom and irrelevance of the majority of updates and statuses and posts on Facebook.

(I care about my friends - but I don't need to know for the six milliionth time someone's checked in at South City Food Court for lunch or what they're cooking for dinenr tonight.)
I only have about 40 friends, and the updates are manageable. I long ago hid the only person who seemed to feel it was necessary to give hourly updates. I get more, far more, updates from the few non-person pages I subscribe to. Wouldn't mind a filter for those.

The relationship was pretty weak anyway, so I doubt they ever noticed.
I do have Friendly as well as FB's own native app, so I can go lowbrow and shoot through stuff more efficiently - but when I'm not in a hurry and want to browse at stuff, it's Flipboard. Fundamentally - I believe that the quality of how you consume/enjoy something is as important as the product itself.

(Same reason I put my device in a handmade traditional book-bound case rather than a cheap-and-nasty third-world product off Fleabay. But that's just me.)
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Understandable. And I don't disagree about taking time to enjoy things. But FaceBook is more like an semi-necessary evil on my end. A convenient way to track old friends and family. I'm there because people I care about are there.

It's the only social network I'm active on, for that reason.
I'm pretty much love-hate about Facebook, less of the love, more of the hate. It's convenient for keeping in touch with people casually and hooking up with extended networks of friends, but the people I'm really close with get phonecalls and longwinded emails.

Anyway., even on Flipboard I only spend a small fraction of it on FB; stuff like Mashable and Nat Geographic get a lot more of my time. Yeah.
Yep, friendly is perhaps the better Facebook browser there is, there is one more... It's a paid app called my pad or face pad, a lite versions around, and a paid advert free version for $0.99 currently half price.
Since I only use Facebook briefly it's not worth money to see who is bitching about who... Lol

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