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Feel so stupid but what, exactly is Icloud?

Hmm - I am a bit scared of ITunes!! Have lost all my data, pics etc so any times.. So now I have dupes of everything stored in ITunes and a backup folder, and only do manual synchs.

Your advice did give me the clue I needed though - the duplicate account in iCloud's that is created in both notes and calendar when you load up iCloud. For notes I copied entries from "on my iPad" and "on my iphone" to "iCloud" and they appear on the other device!
For calendar it was easiest to go back into calendar, go to list, go to calendar, and edit each entry to select "iPhone" calendar. Once they were all changed over, I went to "calender" then de-selected everything but the ICloud calendar. A while later these all showed up on ICloud (via computer) AND most importantly on my iPad! Changes and entries on either device now updates to the other!! Woo-hoo!!

Thanks heaps for your help Twerpoet - your advice re the accounts in notes is what let me get there.

I still haven't got reminders synching from one device to the other yet tho - and would lve to keep my 'to do' list on both!! Any further sights anyone??
Nice. And I don't blame you for taking the safer, if longer route.

Be sure to go into Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and change your default account and calendar to iCloud. That way you'll be less likely to accidentally enter your stuff in the wrong place. It is also where apps, like Mail, will add new contacts or events if/when you receive them that way.

That is also where you choose how far back reminders sync. I forgot that, or I'd have mentioned it sooner.
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icloud.......giving approval for someones server somewhere out there in cyberspace to record your every keystroke im an anti icloud kinda gall I like to think that my business it just that MY BUSINESS.....What happened to storing our own backup on a floppy This is when our personal lives were safeguarded
Though you can buy more with a yearly subscription fee, and most of your Apple purchased media (music, books, apps) will not count against the limit. Mostly because they aren't stored in your account, just linked to the original files in the main database.
On another note. Cell phone carriers have installed an app on the firmware of androids. IQ This app stores your every keystroke on the carriers server. If any of you have tried in the past then you know asking for deleted text from sprint you were sure to be told "NO" unless your with a police department or a governmental agency. So one must wonder.....WHY DO CELL PHONE CARRIERS STORE OUR PERSONAL TEXT IF THE INFORMATION IS NOT MADE AVAILABLE TO US.? Try and remove the IQ SERVICE APP.... I ask sprint.bat the BB. Supposedly BB does not have THE IQ SERVICE APP. if you are not with sprint. Chances are you r not. But check your running apps look for IQ.
Any feed back will be much appreciated
On another note. Cell phone carriers have installed an app on the firmware of androids. IQ This app stores your every keystroke on the carriers server. If any of you have tried in the past then you know asking for deleted text from sprint you were sure to be told "NO" unless your with a police department or a governmental agency. So one must wonder.....WHY DO CELL PHONE CARRIERS STORE OUR PERSONAL TEXT IF THE INFORMATION IS NOT MADE AVAILABLE TO US.? Try and remove the IQ SERVICE APP.... I ask sprint.bat the BB. Supposedly BB does not have THE IQ SERVICE APP. if you are not with sprint. Chances are you r not. But check your running apps look for IQ.
Any feed back will be much appreciated

Not every carrier/manufacturer does. Mine does not, I've checked, so revise your post perhaps and add a few words like "come" or "many" or some such..

Care to cite a reference?
Any feed back will be much appreciated

This article is a pretty good summary of the Carrier IQ debacle. Hold in mind that while it was demonstrated that Carrier IQ's software could be abused, I'm not aware of any company or manufacturer being caught actually using it for nefarious purposes; and given it's sudden newsworthiness I have to assume every privacy paranoid hacker in the nation (which describes a fair number of them) has been trying to do just that.

Carrier IQ: What you need to know | Macworld

So while it is a matter of concern, and lessons about limitations of software and public trust definitely need to be learned, it is hardly a matter to panic about.
Bob Maxey said:
Not every carrier/manufacturer does. Mine does not, I've checked, so revise your post perhaps and add a few words like "come" or "many" or some such..

Care to cite a reference?

according to sprint Smartphones like Blackberry do not have the IQ software/app installed byt android with sprint do.

A correction to my previous post Some,, many,, or Might have... the IQ keystroke tracker
twerppoet said:
Though you can buy more with a yearly subscription fee, and most of your Apple purchased media (music, books, apps) will not count against the limit. Mostly because they aren't stored in your account, just linked to the original files in the main database.

Could you help me understand who, when I chose to restore my iPad from the iCloud image I had put together earlier that day, I lost half of my music and all of my videos? I thought these would be like apps - always a record of my having purchased them so I could clear one off if I needed room.

I had to dance with customer service in order to get the vids back, but zi cannot even tell what music disappeared - only that the number of songs I had is half what it was before.

What gives?
There are a couple of reasons your music might have disappeared.

Only the music that you purchased through iTunes is still in iCloud. If you have any ripped CD's or other non-iTunes music it won't be in iCloud (unless you purchased the iCloud Match service). To get this music back you will have to sync it again through your computer.

If like me you've managed to split your music between two different accounts, only the account you paired with the iCloud account will show up when you restore. You should be able to see and download your music by switching to the other Apple ID in the iTunes app an going to the Purchased tab, just like I describe below.

A glitch. Happens. Restoring from a backup has always been one of the least reliable procedures. If that is the case you should be able to open iTunes (on the iPad), go to the Purchased tab, then select the Not On This iPad tab at the top of the page. You can download again either by album or song. It's tedious if you have a lot you want to re-download, but doable. The only quicker way (that I know of) is to go back to syncing the songs from the computer.

Most missing TV shows should be recoverable by the same method. Movies, however do require you to go through Apple, as you did. Unlike music, apps, books, and TV shows, Movies don't include free re-dowloads (it is a copyright issue). Be careful not to delete them unless you have a good copy elsewhere.
It depends on how you use it. You can't actually stream content from iCloud, so you'd still have to download what you want to watch or listen to each time. And Movies (the biggest memory hogs) can not be downloaded from iCloud.

Apple - Support - iCloud

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