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File download apps for ipad 2?


iPF Noob
Hi there fellow Ipad users.

Well its summertime here and its so hot that the best place to be is on a terrace by the sea having a "mojito" :D

Well anyway ive been looking around and reading post but i cant seem to find a definite answer to my question.

Thing is that when im away from home and using my ipad2 i might see a file i want to download from rapid,mega,file,hotfile etc etc
If i were at home i would use Jdownloader on my home pc with win 7 but for my ipad i dont know if there is any app that would let me do the same thing.

So my ipad gurus is there any app that would allow me to download rapid,mega,hotfile,filefront,etc etc files directly to my ipad using the wifi conection?

Thanks in advance for all the responses.

P.S:I hope this post is posted in the right section of the forums.

There is a program that most all iPad users have called GoodReader. It's the 'Swiss Army Knife' for the iPad and it can store files all together and in folders - or however you want them - and can transfer files to and from your PC using either WiFi or USB without the need for iTunes. It's built in web-browser can download files too, something that Safari doesn't offer - except for PDF format. From within GoodReader you can open those files in any app that supports that type of file. Having said that, though, when a compatible app does open that file it makes a local copy that it works on, so the original copy in GoodReader is left untouched. If you want to store the modified file in GoodReader you have to transfer it back there by some means.

GoodReader can also attach several files to an email and then send them using the iPad's native Mail app - something you can't do from within Mail itself. It also gives you the opportunity to annotate PDF files and save the resulting file so that it can be read on a PC or Mac. That annotation can be handwritten or typed and you can search the document for your typed annotations and bookmarks. On the latest version, PDF files can be scrolled horizontally or vertically.

It can also play several formats of video and audio files too.

Thanks a lot chief Tim for taking the time to reply to my post.

Will download that app and give it a whirl and see how it works,hopefully it wont be too complicated to use for a numbnuts like me hehe

This part here im not sure i understand correctly:

Having said that, though, when a compatible app does open that file it makes a local copy that it works on, so the original copy in GoodReader is left untouched. If you want to store the modified file in GoodReader you have to transfer it back there by some means.

So lets say i download the latest episode of Chuck,so i can still view it using VLC or another similar player right?
And can that file i downloaded thru my ipad be copied to my pc,should it be done with itunes or just the old fashion way from hard drive to hard drive?

Thanks again for all the help chief :D
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Hi there fellow Ipad users.

Well its summertime here and its so hot that the best place to be is on a terrace by the sea having a "mojito" :D

Well anyway ive been looking around and reading post but i cant seem to find a definite answer to my question.

Thing is that when im away from home and using my ipad2 i might see a file i want to download from rapid,mega,file,hotfile etc etc
If i were at home i would use Jdownloader on my home pc with win 7 but for my ipad i dont know if there is any app that would let me do the same thing.

So my ipad gurus is there any app that would allow me to download rapid,mega,hotfile,filefront,etc etc files directly to my ipad using the wifi conection?

Thanks in advance for all the responses.

P.S:I hope this post is posted in the right section of the forums.

Well, Yeah it's allowed it but Satari doesn't supported :D!

Try this here: Downloads Lite - Downloader & Download Manager for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

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