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File Transfeer to GoodReader


iPF Noob
Some apps can bypass iTunes when it comes to file transfer or porting files to the device. DocumentsToGo, for example. Can any one tell me if this can be done in the case of GoodReader. Is there a way to transfer files from the computer to the GoodReader app without having to use iTunes? This forum is great. I really depend on you guys and gals for your expertise. To have to search and find some things takes forever to chase them down. Thanks again for all your help


But Sure there is. It is called GoodReaderUSB. You just move and drop files from the PC into the application window, and also the other way around. No iTune in the background
(The picture is for iPhone - But it is the same for iPAD)

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You can also use DropBox, or any webDAV file server. iDisk will also work if you have a MobileMe account. All these services move your files to an internet server where they can be accessed by almost any device, either with an app or through a browser.

I should look at GoodReaderUSB myself. It would be faster for really large files.
Use the goodreader prog a lot here, but it's hard to find on their website. Don't know why they don't make the link more prominent.
Just want to give a reminder (that was discussed on another thread) that in order to use GoodReader USB, you have to be hooked up to a computer that has iTunes installed. You don't have to use it - but it's got to be there. Something about the way GoodReader uses some of iTunes files...

But yeah, if you've got something big, or a lot of stuff, to transfer, GoodReaderUSB is pretty efficient.

To clear up the confusion...

You do have to use iTunes (with your iPad connected), but you do not have to sync!

Open iTunes and connect your iPad. Select your iPad on the left side of the screen under Devices. Select the Apps at the top of the screen. Now here is the part that some people miss... Scroll down all the way to the bottom and you will see all of the apps that use File Sharing. Now all you do is cut (or copy) and paste (or drag and drop) into the documents side of the box and that is all you need to do!

File sharing in iTunes is very slow. Much, much faster using the GoodreaderUSB program. It is also a standalone .exe file so you can run it from someone elses computer from an SD card, or jump drip, or whatever else.
To clear up the confusion...

You do have to use iTunes (with your iPad connected), but you do not have to sync!
..... Now all you do is cut (or copy) and paste (or drag and drop) into the documents side of the box and that is all you need to do!

After selecting a file on iTune, I couldn't make Copy. The only relevant action (under Edit) is Paste. Right click is not working.
You CAN Drag and drop files both ways to and from iTUNES.

I tried to see what the Add button is doing, but then I noticed that I can't see my Document files on the iTune any more. The files are on the iPAD.
Looks like a bug on itune.
Never mind. I hardly use iTune for these thing anyway. This is a nother good reason why not.
FUNNY (not really) When I execute Goodreaderusb, sometimes the menu comes up and sometimes it does not. When it does appear, it does not accurately report the true status of "my documents" on the device (iPad). iTunes is not working all-together correctly either. I will play with it a little more and then can be more specific. However, on my system the USB aspect of the app is not working correctly (or not at all). Thanks guys for your patience on this one.
OK! From what I read here and elsewhere one should be able to transfer files in either direction using iTunes ... Computer to device ... Device to computer. HOWEVER! Currently iTunes does/will not show me the files on my device, thus preventing me from dragging/dropping them back to my desktop on the PC. There is no way I can get iTunes to make visible the files I know to be on the device.
Look at the post by 1991-C4. You should have your ipad plugged in, iTunes up, and your ipad highlighted on the left side. Then highlight the Apps button on the top, and scroll to the bottom. You will see the various programs (apps) that can transfer files in and out of them. So, if you have files in the Good reader App, highlight it in the Filesharing area, and in the screen to the right, the files will show up. You can then drag and drop however you normally do things. Unlike a regular computer, your docs should all be contained within a program. If you docs are not really docs - they are notes, then you would have to look at the Info tab at the top of iTunes, find the area where you synch notes, and see what program you are synching your notes to... Outlook, etc...

Hope this helps.
I can't explain what is going on with GoodReader USB and iTunes sometimes working, and sometimes not - it always works for me...

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