I really liked my Joy Factory case, but it did leave large areas of the sides exposed, and I got tired of co-workers teasing me over the giant "JOY" logo on the back corner. Fortunately I can sell it to a friend and buy this...
CANVAS for iPad 2 - SwitchEasy
The CoverBuddy covers the whole back accept for slits for the speaker and access points, it has better corner coverage, comes in clear or colors, and has no giant logo in the corner. And $3 S&H! Looks like the perfect clear, thin cover.
CANVAS for iPad 2 - SwitchEasy
The CoverBuddy covers the whole back accept for slits for the speaker and access points, it has better corner coverage, comes in clear or colors, and has no giant logo in the corner. And $3 S&H! Looks like the perfect clear, thin cover.