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'Flash viewer' in Safari?


iPF Noob
I may just have been sleeping for the last year and a half, but I just noticed that when I open Safari, there is a message stating 'Flash viewer' in the main tab at the top of the screen. Has it always been there? What does it mean? A while ago I downloaded a feature which allowed viewing of flash content in some circumstances (after taking some advice I found on this forum) which I now can't seem to find on any of my home screens. Has this function now been absorbed into Safari? I'm not having any particular issues with this, I'm just intrigued and I hope someone may be able to shed some light!
Could you post a screenshot of that "Flash viewer" tab? I've never seen or heard of such a thing and now I'M intrigued. :)


Here's the screenshot. (Hope this works-not done this before) image.webp
That looks like a bookmark, to me. Could you have installed a bookmarklet that you forgot about? Check in your bookmarks (the open book icon there). Look for the Bookmarks Bar folder - lay odds that's it (if it's a bookmarklet, it'll begin with "javaScript").

There is a bookmarklet thread here: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=72353

In it, there is discussion/bookmarklets about opening other apps (Photon, Skyfire) so you can see Flash. Could that be it?

Hi all,

I'm posting a screen shot of what happens when I tap ' flash viewer'. As far as I can see I don't have any bookmarklets. I have very few things bookmarked (if I like a site I tend to 'save to home screen' instead) and none of them have any javascript info in the url. I agree that it doesn't look like the normal Safari home screen - I've no idea when it changed or what caused it to, though, unfortunately!

You have not said so, but I'm getting the impression that you are jailbroken. If so then you've obviously got a Safari tweak active. You should take a close look at that and it's settings.

Not being jailbroken myself, that's about all I can suggest.
Nope, not jailbroken, I wouldn't even know where to start with that! It's all a bit of a mystery. Not causing any problems with the ipad's functioning as far as I can tell, so maybe it's just an annoying little thing I have to live with. Thanks to all who have helped in the meantime!
Ok. The only thing I can think of then is that you are running an older version of iOS, though I don't remember one with a dark header theme.

In that case you've installed a bookmarklet.

This is a snippet of javascript saved as a bookmark. This one is designed to be opened after you access a website and get the 'you need Flash' warning. I remember the article, and there was some discussion on whether a specific app needed to be downloaded as well. The consensus was no, but maybe that depended on the iOS version being run. I can't find the original thread in this forum, but this is what it was talking about:

iOSFlashVideo Bookmarklet Allows You To Watch Flash Videos Without Jailbreaking iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch

If you open your bookmarks you find it under the Bookmark Bar area, where you can delete it if you like.

Here is some information on bookmarklets in general, how to make them, and some good ones to try out.

Woo hoo! I deleted that flash viewer link in the bookmarks bar and it's gone! Thank you! I don't remember doing all that Javascript palaver but I guess I must have as I was blindly following instructions about how to set the thing up... I found I didn't really use it anyway so it's no great loss. Thanks again TP.

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