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Why are people complaining about flash support?

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Now that Jobs is out of the day to day again , do you think the anti flash stubbornness will change? If it is a battery thing. Android gives you a choice... Flash all the time, no flash any time... Or flash on demand. FOD gets the content when you need it, but stops the band width hungry banner adds when you don't need it.
Hi all

Almost every day, someone will ask about flash support on iOS devices and complain about that... Darn, the only thing flash does over the net is showing ads and make some games available... I would say that flash is actually useless. There is no real benefit of using flash technology now that HTML is a lot more powerful than a few years ago.

On some sites, it is used as a video viewer, which actually is a bit useless since all computers already have a native media player plugin on all oses. The only case that flash maybe useful is for webcam capture when you want to broadcast, and even then, there are other solutions that can be used. Have you notice that flash does require a lot of CPU resource when loaded? I really don't want that running on my iPad/iPhone as it would drain the battery so fast.

I hope that Apple will keep it's position and keep working with technology that are power efficient.

I am a longtime Ubuntu user, and now an iOS devices user for the last year. I'm not a fanboy of any kind, but I like my stuffs to be working as expected and being efficient. And flash, for me is just a pain as it is currently used on the net.

So, before complaining, do some reading first, and don't consider that a device is defective if it was not built for the use that you want to give it. There are always limitations that have to be considered, on all kind of devices or even computers.

I wonder why the less knowledgeable are always the loudest in forums. Darn, if you don't even understand how it works, how can you assume that what you are asking for is easy to do and should be done just because you want it?

Ok, feeling better now! ;)

Simple. As a representative of the flawed species called HUMANS we love to whine, byotch and complain about EVERYTHING. Even if they are wrong.
Thphilli said:
You obviously dont read the news. Every other article comes with some embedded flash video that wont play on the iPad.

I can't WAIT for Apple to implement Flash and then for everyone on here who to suddenly embrace it fully and completely contradict everything they have been saying for the past year.

I read a lot of news; my local newspaper, NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters, CNN, ABC, CBS. Huff Post, Politico, and many more. All have apps and video functions fine. There are a few I read in Safari and haven't had any particular issues though I may be missing the news that you read.
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Diane B said:
I read a lot of news; my local newspaper, NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters, CNN, ABC, CBS. Huff Post, Politico, and many more. All have apps and video functions fine. There are a few I read in Safari and haven't had any particular issues though I may be missing the news that you read.

Same here i have 10 -12 news apps which also include. The courier mail, Australia and the age, Australia plus philippino news and several British and us newspapers like above In fact it is so superior on the ipad compared to reading on line it's not funny Sometimes i use safari for mags or newspapers I don't have apps for but that is rare
Now that Jobs is out of the day to day again , do you think the anti flash stubbornness will change? If it is a battery thing. Android gives you a choice... Flash all the time, no flash any time... Or flash on demand. FOD gets the content when you need it, but stops the band width hungry banner adds when you don't need it.

I think this would be a good thing.

As much as some people on this site seem to be on a crusade against Flash, I think even they would welcome the OPTION to display Flash content.

But the problem right now is, the iPad's processor isn't powerful enough to handle heavy Flash content, much like the current Android devices, it will run the content, but will be choppy and glitchy.
I was "flashless" on my PCs long before I purchased an iPad and quite frankly good riddance. The first thing I do when I get a new computer is download Mozilla FireFox and then install "Flashblock". I really don't see what the big deal is. I somehow manage to be a professional in the tech industry, read the news and get my job and entertainment done without it....???? I simply don't miss it on the iPad either.

(same goes for Java BTW - second thing I do is remove Java on my PCs - don't seem to find it necessary on my Macs.)

Adobe makes WAY too much money selling Photoshop, Lightroom, etc to the Apple crowd to "retaliate" in a childish way over Flash support. In 2 years everything will have migrated to HTML5, as it should - and then I guess I'll have to install an HTML5 blocker to kill gratuitous and unwanted video....

I think this would be a good thing.

As much as some people on this site seem to be on a crusade against Flash, I think even they would welcome the OPTION to display Flash content.

But the problem right now is, the iPad's processor isn't powerful enough to handle heavy Flash content, much like the current Android devices, it will run the content, but will be choppy and glitchy.

You took the words right off my fingers. Over dinner I was thinking about this whole Flash thing and what came to me was that if the iPad is so much slower at rendering normal web pages compared to my main PC, how is it going to handle Flash? I think Flash video would be fine, but anything else would probably be pushing it.
I was "flashless" on my PCs long before I purchased an iPad and quite frankly good riddance. The first thing I do when I get a new computer is download Mozilla FireFox and then install "Flashblock". I really don't see what the big deal is. I somehow manage to be a professional in the tech industry, read the news and get my job and entertainment done without it....???? I simply don't miss it on the iPad either.

(same goes for Java BTW - second thing I do is remove Java on my PCs - don't seem to find it necessary on my Macs.)

Adobe makes WAY too much money selling Photoshop, Lightroom, etc to the Apple crowd to "retaliate" in a childish way over Flash support. In 2 years everything will have migrated to HTML5, as it should - and then I guess I'll have to install an HTML5 blocker to kill gratuitous and unwanted video....

How is the entire web supposed to migrate over to HTML5 within the next two years when the standard hasn't even come close to being finalized yet? I'll be happy to be rid of Flash don't get me wrong, but I think this transition is going to be much longer than a couple of years.
Everyone seems so against Flash and so for HTML5, but the most recent tests with the newest version of Flash, show on pretty much everything except Apple products, Flash 10.1 is actually significantly more efficient than HTML5.

Why is everyone loving HTML5 so much when Flash is more efficient, more widespread, and from the sites that I've seen from different "best of HTML5" websites Flash is much prettier and has more cool features.
I am completely new to iPad, and Apple in general. My question is this: How; then, do I view a video requiring Flash on my iPad? Obviously I can't utilize the "download Flash here" option on the site. IS there any way to get around this? I sure would like to know, I seem to be encountering this often lately.
Now that Jobs is out of the day to day again , do you think the anti flash stubbornness will change?
He's not dead! He has only taken a leave of absense and is still the CEO and calls the shots on all major decisions.
Superbike81 said:
Everyone seems so against Flash and so for HTML5, but the most recent tests with the newest version of Flash, show on pretty much everything except Apple products, Flash 10.1 is actually significantly more efficient than HTML5.

Why is everyone loving HTML5 so much when Flash is more efficient, more widespread, and from the sites that I've seen from different "best of HTML5" websites Flash is much prettier and has more cool features.

The difference between flash and HTML 5 is that for flash, there is only one provider. With HTML 5 , is it a standard that any provider can use. To develop web site in flash, you need to use adobe products, that's not the case for HTML 5. But the worse part is that to view such site in flash, you have to use adobe product, not the case for HTML 5.

It almost the same thing as saying that if you want to drive on some roads, you have to use a Toyota car, and nothing else... So you have two choices, buy a Toyota or avoid these roads.

It's not that flash is bad (or evil as some fanboys like to say), it is a matter of being free to access the information as I see it. Think about that debate about the document formats. There is a war actually for portability of word processing documents between several formats. That came because everything was only compatible with MS Word and had to use Microsoft products only.

We are now facing the same issue with web content. That is what HTML 5 is trying to solve. A common format that everybody can use.
Who can't use Flash? (Besides iOS users LOL!)

It's a simple download and install that only takes a few minutes on even slow connections..

Your car analogy is flawed. A better one would be "if you want to drive on this road you have to mount this small transmitter in your car"
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Superbike81 said:
Who can't use Flash? (Besides iOS users LOL!)

It's a simple download and install that only takes a few minutes on even slow connections..

Your car analogy is flawed. A better one would be "if you want to drive on this road you have to mount this small transmitter in your car"

Huh? A transmitter? That would mean that even without the transmitter, you can still drive on the road, but you have to expect a bill at a the end of the month ;)

Remember the time when some site were available only to Internet Explorer?
Now that Jobs is out of the day to day again , do you think the anti flash stubbornness will change?
He's not dead! He has only taken a leave of absense and is still the CEO and calls the shots on all major decisions.

Do you know what his ailment is? Its amazing he as lived as long as he has. Don't expect a triumphant return this time, even though we all hope he will get better.
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