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Some of us don't have Flash in our phone either. ;)
I still have yet to come across a site that I frequent on a regular basis that requires Flash but hasn't already made it iPhone/iPad friendly. Apps on Facebook? Personally, not interested.

The more HTML5 and other solutions become available and the more web developers come to realize the number of iPad users there are surfing the net, the quicker Flash will become 'just another choice' to view the content.
I still have yet to come across a site that I frequent on a regular basis that requires Flash but hasn't already made it iPhone/iPad friendly. Apps on Facebook? Personally, not interested.

The more HTML5 and other solutions become available and the more web developers come to realize the number of iPad users there are surfing the net, the quicker Flash will become 'just another choice' to view the content.

But many times, these device "friendly" sites are missing information or more difficult to navigate than the standard site. As much as people say looks are not important, I hate mobile-style websites, they just take away the WOW factor that many sites have.

Anyone who complains and moans about iPad not supporting Flash should read this first. It's a Flash developer's take on why touch-screen interfaces simply aren't designed to work with applications that require mouse-and-keyboards.

In fact, it should be required reading for all iPad owners.

An Adobe Flash developer on why the iPad can’t use Flash — RoughlyDrafted Magazine

Yeah, I've said this before, that touch devices are pretty much useless for many of the Facebook type games unless they are redesigned specifically for touch. But still not being able to view a simple automotive manufacturer's site to configure my next new car, and not being able to see all the YouTube videos, etc, etc, kinda sucks.
But many times, these device "friendly" sites are missing information or more difficult to navigate than the standard site. As much as people say looks are not important, I hate mobile-style websites, they just take away the WOW factor that many sites have.

Never said "mobile" websites. Vimeo is a site I visit all the time and they have gone over the top to support non-flash capable devices. When I first got my iPad in September, about 10% of the videos I tried to watch were still using their Flash-Based viewer, since then, I bet less than 1% of what I try an watch are on Flash. Just an example of a website who was completely Flash-only has changed to support the most popular mobile computing platform.
deckyon said:
I still have yet to come across a site that I frequent on a regular basis that requires Flash but hasn't already made it iPhone/iPad friendly. Apps on Facebook? Personally, not interested.

The more HTML5 and other solutions become available and the more web developers come to realize the number of iPad users there are surfing the net, the quicker Flash will become 'just another choice' to view the content.

The number of iPad users pales in comparison to desktop/laptop users, it will take a long time for flash to be overtaken. Having said that, there hasn't been a single time in my 3 weeks of iPad use that I've missed flash. Even on my phone (android), I have flash turned off, and I've never missed it on there either. It does slow things down and people abuse it, especially ads. Also nobody seems to know how to use HTML5 very well yet :) the games are atrocious compared to flash games!
Yeah-I noticed the OP never surfaced either. And indeed, there are way many Flash threads. We all know Flash does not exist. Too bad there can't be a separate dedicated debate section so that Gripes 101 type of threads don't keep popping up like a big circle. Especially people who don't even own or wish to keep their iPad anymore, or want to trash it right from the starting gate-why bother posting here on a forum of people who are here enjoying a device. So maybe a debate section where if people want to say how much the iPad stinks because of this or that-give them a place for it. Those that would find it insulting to read then don't have to look.
Yeah-I noticed the OP never surfaced either. And indeed, there are way many Flash threads. We all know Flash does not exist. Too bad there can't be a separate dedicated debate section so that Gripes 101 type of threads don't keep popping up like a big circle. Especially people who don't even own or wish to keep their iPad anymore, or want to trash it right from the starting gate-why bother posting here on a forum of people who are here enjoying a device. So maybe a debate section where if people want to say how much the iPad stinks because of this or that-give them a place for it. Those that would find it insulting to read then don't have to look.

Because this isn't the land of lollipops and rainbows. In the real world, people discuss both the positive and negative aspects of something. There is no rule on this site that says every comment made about the iPad has to be positive.
Even run a flash blocker on our desktops.

Good grief, now I've heard everything

You people whine just as much about the people who complain about the lack of flash.

It isn't so much that the lack of flash bothers me, but the fact that I have to wait for an app that does what a browser does.... And the app often has a cost or limited features (if free).... I don't buy software for a PC 'plenty of free programs and I don't need iTunes to control it either.

The good thing about the iPad is it does have a strong platform, and I love how I can turn it on and be connected instantly.
Yeah-I noticed the OP never surfaced either. And indeed, there are way many Flash threads. We all know Flash does not exist. Too bad there can't be a separate dedicated debate section so that Gripes 101 type of threads don't keep popping up like a big circle. Especially people who don't even own or wish to keep their iPad anymore, or want to trash it right from the starting gate-why bother posting here on a forum of people who are here enjoying a device. So maybe a debate section where if people want to say how much the iPad stinks because of this or that-give them a place for it. Those that would find it insulting to read then don't have to look.

Because this isn't the land of lollipops and rainbows. In the real world, people discuss both the positive and negative aspects of something. There is no rule on this site that says every comment made about the iPad has to be positive.

Which was my point about a debate section. That's where pros and cons could be discussed most was all I was saying. Of course not all the snow flakes are candy bars and milk shakes (LOL). And I think the point of this thread even is that people are so upset about the lack of Flash when it is well documented that iPad doesn't have it. I also think people try to make iPad be something it never said it was meant to be, i.e. full laptop replacement, etc. (although some do seem to be using it as such) For the record, I didn't get the iPad until November myself, and I am a gadget/techie person with lots of things. I own/have owned many PDAs, laptops, desktops, smartphones, netbooks. I at first didn't think iPad had a whole lot to offer to me personally than what I already have, but did not feel I had to proclaim that on an iPad forum, especially as someone who didn't even have one. Now I do have one. There are things I'd like to do on it, so I'll look and see if I can, ask, etc, but I don't get all bent if I find it can't, because I knew its specs for how long?
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