No way. My Mum wouldn't have had any truck with that & wouldn't have wanted to know how to make it.
Then, it was smørbrød ("open sandwiches") with proper "rubrød"--rye bread brought over by relatives who understood that a Dane can't survive long without it. Covered with as many sorts of cheeses, eggs, herrings & meats, tomatoes, asier, agurkasalat, remoulade etc etc as they will have packed in with the bread.
Plus home-made D.pastries & kiks (a host of decorative little biscuits which were my job to make. Lots were / are vanilla-based). No-one in Denmark makes their own pastries any more when it's so easy to buy the real thing (which are not those frauds that flaunt themselves on the bakery shelves here now

Oh, and coffee!!!