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Food anyone?

Being a food lover and a pioneer of the palate, I'm always baking and cooking. I would like to share this Apple Ginger Pie with you. It's lovely when heated up and covered with vanilla ice cream. Please, help your selves. Hope you like the flavor. The ginger really brings out the wonderful essence of this.


I'm so there.
Being a food lover and a pioneer of the palate, I'm always baking and cooking. I would like to share this Apple Ginger Pie with you. It's lovely when heated up and covered with vanilla ice cream. Please, help your selves. Hope you like the flavor. The ginger really brings out the wonderful essence of this.


You are a wicked person, Iriana. It's only 6.45 am here, and you have made my stomach rumble, just after my brekkie of a bowl of cereal.

That is such a beautiful looking pie :)
Dinner....... Tender, hot pepper steak, potatoes, peach, and other yummies.


Oh this is not fair! It's sheer torture. Came home late, to a small salad dinner. Not fair, this picture, got to stop looking!! And the presentation. No, really got to stop looking.

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Last edited:
Oh this is not fair! It's sheer torture. Came home late, to a small salad dinner. Not fair, this picture, got to stop looking!! And the presentation. No, really got to stop looking.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

So sorry! Am I attaching too many pictures? :eek;

This morning's breakfast; organic strawberries, honey and whole milk. (Is this better without a picture?) LOL. ;)
That looks sooooo good Iriana!

Had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, will be having minestrone soup for dinner! :)

From the iPad of Goofy8275, iPadForums.net user

Thanks. Glad you like it.

Cinnamon roll and a cup of coffee sounds good right about now.

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