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Forgot my restrictions password, any workarounds?


iPF Noob
Okay. Here's the story. A long time ago, I read a bunch of horror stories about in-app purchases, so I wanted to turn them off on my mom's iPad so they wouldn't get made accidentally. I set a restrictions password on my mom's iPad, and disabled in-app purchases. I have since forgotten the password, and after something like 14 failed attempts to enter it, I've pretty much given up on guessing what it is.

Now here's the problem. I've been trying to get my mom (who's over 60) to play the game Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, and I figured that the iPad would be the easiest platform for her to play it on. (I also have the game for the Nintendo DS and an iPod Touch that isn't password-protected, but the small screens are a problem for her.) After she tried it out, she expressed enthusiasm. However, the iOs version of the game is a free download but requires you to make an in-app purchase to continue to play beyond Chapter 3. After searching the Internet, I came up with several potential solutions to the problem, but nothing I've been willing to do has worked so far. (Anything that would cause my mom to lose her app data is not a solution.)

Failed solution #1: Use my iPod Touch to make the in-app purchase, then download the extra content to the iPad as well.

Why it failed: Apparently, the game's "Re-download" button counts as making an in-app purchase, even though it doesn't actually cost any money.

Failed solution #2: Make iPad backup. Use iBackupBot to edit the backup file and thereby re-enable in-app purchases. Restore the iPad from the backup with the changed settings.

Why it failed: I'm having various problems using the iPad backup feature built into iTunes. My current stumbling block is that my antivirus software is detecting malware in the iTunes backup files and I'm hesitant to disable it. (See my other thread.)

Failed solution #3: Use Macroflash iExplorer to copy the app data from my iPod Touch to my iPad.

Why it failed: The copied app won't run - even when I copy it back to the iPod Touch it came from. According to Macroflash support, editing the app data only works if you've jailbroken your devices, although I've seen plenty of websites that tell me that I should be able to use it to transfer app data even if I don't jailbreak my iPad.

Any other ideas?
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Back the iPad up via iCloud.

Restore factory.

Perform SELECTIVE restore, content only. Reinstall preexisting apps from the app store not the backup, unless you have saved game data on a game you cannot live without.

Make required in app purchases.

Restrict in app purchases.

Email yourself the password and archive it once received.
I managed to get Solution #2 to work by disabling my antivirus software. (For some reason, the computer my mom normally uses is creating corrupted backups, even with the antivirus disabled, so I had to use my own computer instead. I'm going to bug Apple tech support to see if I can get THAT fixed.)

In case anyone in the future wants more details, I followed these directions I found on the official Apple support forum:

I have found a way to change the restrictions without the code. I downloaded iBackupBot, which allows you to open and edit your backup files. Back up your iphone using itunes. Open the back up with ibackupBot and find library/configurationprofiles/usersettings.plist. Double clicking this will open a window (click cancel if a registration window comes up). This lists all the restrictions on your phone (eg allowitunes and allowappinstallation etc) followed by a value (true or false). Change the restrictions you want (on or off) by deleting the true/false and replacing it. Also edit library/configurationprofiles/public info/effectiveusersettings.plist click save. Then restore your iphone from backup. It changes the settings without ever needing the passcode (which still won’t work). Hope this helps.

(I'd link to the original, but my post count is too low right now.)
CronoDAS said:
I managed to get Solution #2 to work by disabling my antivirus software. (For some reason, the computer my mom normally uses is creating corrupted backups, even with the antivirus disabled, so I had to use my own computer instead. I'm going to bug Apple tech support to see if I can get THAT fixed.)

In case anyone in the future wants more details, I followed these directions I found on the official Apple support forum:

(I'd link to the original, but my post count is too low right now.)

Great info. Noted and flagged for future reference.


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