iPF Noob
You don't even look like Dr. Suess, do you?... do I sound like Dr. Suess?
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You don't even look like Dr. Suess, do you?... do I sound like Dr. Suess?
BrennB said:Why isn't anyone talking??
BrennB said:I remember 1984... oh the book, yeah I read that too. Do you get 1984 confused with Animal Farm?
Mickey330 said:Do real men wear pink?
Ok goes like this... Start with a question and proceed into a conversation, using only questions.
Rules, no side talk...make your point a question...challenge yourself!
No "implied" questions..IE: no adding ? At the end of a statement as in hmmm? LOL
Game begins here:
Does anyone want to play?
Mickey330 said:So, have we messed up on the "no side talk" part of the rules?