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Get IPad 2 now or wait for Ipad3?

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SweetPoison said:
You saw the iPad 3? Where?

Sry I thought I saw it, I checked my picture aNd it would seem it was iPad 1 :P
Thought something was wrong since u guys didn't c it.
But there is rumors about it's antenna pictures
I'd say wait. If the new model is to be out within months, you can either decide if it's worth getting a new model. If you choose not to want to deal with the "apples new idevice frenzy" or if the ipad3 doesn't have many new features with respect to the ipad2, you can get the iPad 2 which is bound to go down in price once the 3 is released
Sonicrobby said:
I'd say wait. If the new model is to be out within months, you can either decide if it's worth getting a new model. If you choose not to want to deal with the "apples new idevice frenzy" or if the ipad3 doesn't have many new features with respect to the ipad2, you can get the iPad 2 which is bound to go down in price once the 3 is released

That's a big if
I hate people that think what apple is going to release stuff without any conference from apple. You NEVER know when or if apple is going to release a product. Even if they will release an ipad 3, there is not much, that they can add to it that the ipad 2 didn't have and would be very useful like a camera.
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