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Gmail Calendar sync btw blackberry/iPad/gmail


iPF Noob
My phone = Blackberry 9700
My mobile 'computer'= iPad
My main calendar = Gmail

I have my Blackberry set up with the google sync software for blackberry so that anytime i add something to my blackberry calendar it auto syncs with my gmail calendar on my PC.

I also have my iPad set up the same way so that when i add something to either my gmail calendar on my PC or my iPad it automatically syncs with the other.

This is the ideal setup for me as i can enter an appointment into ANY of the three devices and it automatically syncs to the other two devices without me having to do ANYTHING.

Here's my problem though...

If i enter an appointment on my Blackberry that spans two days (all day event) it shows up on the iPad and the PC correctly.

But if I enter an appointment on my iPad or PC that spans two days (all day event) it only shows the first day on my Blackberry.

What am i doing wrong?
I use informant as it is far better calendar and task than what apple provides I have a friend using informant /gmail/black bury and from what he has said it works fine

I use an iPhone 3GS with informant plus iPad with informant and apple mail on the Mac book with a sync package to sync with gmail. Pocket informant is available for the black bury platform as well so it should work nicely.

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I'm thinking this might be a question better suited for the blackberry forums as this looks to be a blackberry issue

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