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got ipad1 4.3.2 JB (want to upgrade to 5.0.1), please help


iPF Noob
Hi guys ! :) I just bought a used ipad1 3g 64gb today, it's jailbroken allright at ios 4.3.2 but when I connect/sync to Cydia shows me saved shsh only for 5.0.1 and 5.1 (!!). I also downloaded and used the latest "Tiny Umbrella" trying to "extract" more shsh from it but no luck, I got the same two (5.0.1 and 5.1). I'd like to ask you 3 things please:

1. Is this "normal" ??!! I mean shouldn't it also have saved shsh for its current ios 4.3.2 since it's jailbroken at it ??!! :eek:

2. I'd like to upgrade it to 5.0.1 and then re-jailbreak it (since there is an untethered JB available for it as I just read). Can I do that ?? (I hope I can, i'm not sure tho).

3. Once I upgrade to 5.0.1 and jailbreak there's no way back to 4.3.2 I suppose ? (since I don't have its shsh saved, right ?)

Many thanks in advance for any help !! :)

Hi guys I just bought a used ipad1 3g 64gb today, it's jailbroken allright at ios 4.3.2 but when I connect/sync to Cydia shows me saved shsh only for 5.0.1 and 5.1 (!!). I also downloaded and used the latest "Tiny Umbrella" trying to "extract" more shsh from it but no luck, I got the same two (5.0.1 and 5.1). I'd like to ask you 3 things please:

1. Is this "normal" ??!! I mean shouldn't it also have saved shsh for its current ios 4.3.2 since it's jailbroken at it ??!!

I don't know about "normal" and we don't really know the history of that iPad. It could be that the owner never saved blobs for that version and that Cydia never picked up on it. Hard to know the story though.

But, you can use the program iFaith to extract that IPSW (with its authentication) and save it in case you want to go back to that version later. The key is to do this process FIRST, before you move up to another version. Cause yes, once you leave that iOS, you can't go back without blobs.

Again, do this part first before anything else if you ever want to go back to iOS 4.3.2.

2. I'd like to upgrade it to 5.0.1 and then re-jailbreak it (since there is an untethered JB available for it as I just read). Can I do that ?? (I hope I can, i'm not sure tho).

Yes, you can do this. Follow the steps in these two tutorials to get the iPad1 to iOS 5.0.1 and then re-jailbreak it:

(1) Upgrade to iOS 5.0.1: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=69285

(2) Jailbreak that version: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=49435

That should do it for you.

3. Once I upgrade to 5.0.1 and jailbreak there's no way back to 4.3.2 I suppose ? (since I don't have its shsh saved, right ?)

Again, normally the answer is "no, not without blobs." But, if you do the process with iFaith, you'll have a custom 4.3.2 IPSW that should allow you to install and use. But, TBH, once you've tried the goodness of iOS 5, you probably will want to stay there! ;)

Hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

But, TBH, once you've tried the goodness of iOS 5, you probably will want to stay there! ;) Hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
thank you so much Marilyn !! :) I got all the answers I wanted from your post. I'll follow your detailed instructions to upgrade. I just wanted to have a way to go back to ios4 in case my ipad1 runs ios5 a bit "slowly" (due to "only" 256MB Ram and single-core cpu, compared to an ipad2 or ipad3 for example), but from what you wrote I think I'll be just fine with ios 5.0.1 :rolleyes:

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