iPF Noob
As per request by KaiHD (quite some time ago), here is a list and very brief description of what I have installed from Cydia!
(In alaphabetical order, paid apps are in blue, asterisk is a favorite)
-A Unique iPad Theme- A really cool theme.
-Activator- Use gestures and button presses to do stuff.
-Anicons- Similar to SBSettings but on your home screen with more stuff.
-animate- Allows for animated bootlogos.
-Apple Loader- Loading bar bootlogo for animate.
-*BlueiPad V2- Definitely the BEST iPad theme out there. All blue.
-*Byta Font- Change fonts.
-*CustomGrid- Custom number of rows and columns.
-CyDelete- Allows you to delete Cydia apps just like appstore apps.
-DoubleTapToOpen- You have to double tap icons to open them.
-*DietBar- Shrinks the navagation bar.
-*Dimmer- Lets the brightness go even darker.
-*FakeClockUp- Speeds up animations to make the iPad seem faster.
-FaceForward- Get past the patch so you can use the iPad Facebook app.
-FakeTimeWarner (FTW)- Gets past time warner cable's block against jailbreakers. (
you time warner!)
-FolderEnhancer- Adds a ton of customization to folders like multiple pages and folders inside of folders.
-*FullScreen for iPad- Safari in fullscreen!!!!!!! And adds gestures for stuff like forward and back.
-*Graviboard- Adds gravity to springboard icons.
-*Gridlock- Place icons anywhere on the homescreen grid.
-**iBluever w/ on demand- Connect to the 3g network on your bluetooth phone. (LOVE this)
-*iFile- File browser and editor. Edit and browse the iPad's filesystem.
-iPad Bootlogo- Another bootlogo.
-iPadBoot bootlogo- Another bootlogo.
-*iWhiteboard- Draw on any open app or any screen. Great for screenshots and videos.
-Multiconmover- Move multiple icons at a time. Makes rearranging easy.
-MxTube- Save YouTube videos.
-*NoDock- Completely removes the dock from homescreen but keeps it's functionality. (I made this
-*OpenSSH- Allows remote filesystem browsing and editing from a computer connected to the local network.
-OpenNotifier- Notifications in the status bar.
-PDF Patcher- Patches the security vulnerability. (used by
-*PkgBackup- KISS (keep it simple/stupid) Cydia apps and stuff backup. EASY!
-**RandomFlip- Randomly flips a homescreen icon every second or so. Very mesmerizing.
-*RetinaPad- HD iPod and iPhone apps in 2x mode. (app has to support iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4th gen retina screen)
-*SafariDownloadManager- Download files from the internet with safari!
-*SafariUPLOADEnabler- Upload files using safari!!!!!
-SBSettings- Small action menu that pops up with toggles for wi-fi, bluetooth, etc. Many add-ons available for other stuff like iBluever.
-*ScreenDimmer- Dims the screen after a preset time. (saves battery)
-ScrollingBoard- Adds some cool toggles to the dock. And it scrolls.
-SleepFX- Cool effects when you lock the iPad.
-Springtomize- Control many aspects of springboard. (NOT FULLY IPAD COMPATIBLE!)
-*Syncronicity- Use your iPad while it syncs. (since syncing takes SOO long)
-*Veency- VNC server for iPad. View and control iPad from a VNC client.
-Winterboard- Apply themes downloaded from cydia.
-5-row keyboard for iPad- adds a number row to the top of the keyboard.
There you go! I am slowly adding more.
(In alaphabetical order, paid apps are in blue, asterisk is a favorite)
-A Unique iPad Theme- A really cool theme.
-Activator- Use gestures and button presses to do stuff.
-Anicons- Similar to SBSettings but on your home screen with more stuff.
-animate- Allows for animated bootlogos.
-Apple Loader- Loading bar bootlogo for animate.
-*BlueiPad V2- Definitely the BEST iPad theme out there. All blue.
-*Byta Font- Change fonts.
-*CustomGrid- Custom number of rows and columns.
-CyDelete- Allows you to delete Cydia apps just like appstore apps.
-DoubleTapToOpen- You have to double tap icons to open them.
-*DietBar- Shrinks the navagation bar.
-*Dimmer- Lets the brightness go even darker.
-*FakeClockUp- Speeds up animations to make the iPad seem faster.
-FaceForward- Get past the patch so you can use the iPad Facebook app.
-FakeTimeWarner (FTW)- Gets past time warner cable's block against jailbreakers. (

-FolderEnhancer- Adds a ton of customization to folders like multiple pages and folders inside of folders.
-*FullScreen for iPad- Safari in fullscreen!!!!!!! And adds gestures for stuff like forward and back.
-*Graviboard- Adds gravity to springboard icons.
-*Gridlock- Place icons anywhere on the homescreen grid.
-**iBluever w/ on demand- Connect to the 3g network on your bluetooth phone. (LOVE this)
-*iFile- File browser and editor. Edit and browse the iPad's filesystem.
-iPad Bootlogo- Another bootlogo.
-iPadBoot bootlogo- Another bootlogo.
-*iWhiteboard- Draw on any open app or any screen. Great for screenshots and videos.
-Multiconmover- Move multiple icons at a time. Makes rearranging easy.
-MxTube- Save YouTube videos.
-*NoDock- Completely removes the dock from homescreen but keeps it's functionality. (I made this

-*OpenSSH- Allows remote filesystem browsing and editing from a computer connected to the local network.
-OpenNotifier- Notifications in the status bar.
-PDF Patcher- Patches the security vulnerability. (used by
-*PkgBackup- KISS (keep it simple/stupid) Cydia apps and stuff backup. EASY!
-**RandomFlip- Randomly flips a homescreen icon every second or so. Very mesmerizing.

-*RetinaPad- HD iPod and iPhone apps in 2x mode. (app has to support iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4th gen retina screen)
-*SafariDownloadManager- Download files from the internet with safari!
-*SafariUPLOADEnabler- Upload files using safari!!!!!
-SBSettings- Small action menu that pops up with toggles for wi-fi, bluetooth, etc. Many add-ons available for other stuff like iBluever.
-*ScreenDimmer- Dims the screen after a preset time. (saves battery)
-ScrollingBoard- Adds some cool toggles to the dock. And it scrolls.
-SleepFX- Cool effects when you lock the iPad.
-Springtomize- Control many aspects of springboard. (NOT FULLY IPAD COMPATIBLE!)
-*Syncronicity- Use your iPad while it syncs. (since syncing takes SOO long)
-*Veency- VNC server for iPad. View and control iPad from a VNC client.
-Winterboard- Apply themes downloaded from cydia.
-5-row keyboard for iPad- adds a number row to the top of the keyboard.
There you go! I am slowly adding more.
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