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greenpois0n RC5 WINDOWS VERSION release

I have the windows version jailbrake zip saved in my ipad. Im wondering now if i should wait a few days to see if theres any bugs or anything. To see if the chronic team pushes another newer windows version...ahhhhh! Should i wait or this version good to go with no issues? Not my first time jailbraking. I was jailbroke on 3.2.2...ahhh ive missed Ifiles n my emulators sooooooo much..lmfao

Go ahead. I did it last night. Rebooted about 30 times. Soo much fun rebooting without a computer....

Im booting up my pc now..lol defragn it, then gonna boot up itunes to back up my ipad. Then probaly jailbrake 2morrow ;-). Or really late tonight..lol. U know how itunes takes forever to backup ipad. I just hope i dont need newest version of itunes to back up my 4.2.1
mbern1008 said:
Can anyone confirm that they can use this over Redsnow. I would prefer not to have to do a restore. The online instructions I found here did not say.


yes. Check my earlier post in this thread.
Quick question. As i forgot..lol. Does ur computer need to be connected online once u run the jailbrake greenpoison app for windows? Can i jailbrake the ipad with the app alone running on the computer, not needing to be connected online also?
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
if you have Loader, it is jail broken. Simply launch Loader and install Cydia.

On another note, does the jb work with MyWi? When trying to install it, it tells me "firmware<4".

Yes, it does. However when I ran into trouble w DL'ng MyWi I found it would finally install if I added intelliborn.com/ beta4 in the sources. Then after restarting Cydia, went to sources to use intelliborn to then DL and install MW, and worked perfect!
I jailbreaked my iPad no probs, I then JB my iPhone 4, again no probs, but I didn't restore the iPhone just did the JB on a brand new iPhone. My question is will it be ok or should I restore and JB again??

I jailbreaked my iPad no probs, I then JB my iPhone 4, again no probs, but I didn't restore the iPhone just did the JB on a brand new iPhone. My question is will it be ok or should I restore and JB again??


You will be fine. What you did on your phone was equivalent to a restore and JB. Don't worry. Just enjoy it!
Sorry, I don't understand why you think you need to wipe anything... for what purpose? And what do you mean "Stayed the same"
You originally said you just jail broke a brand new stock iPhone and it was working, and asked if you should have restored it first? I said there was no need.
The jailbreak process actually does very little. It basically "roots" the phone. If your phone is jail broken and working, just enjoy it!
If you are paranoid or OCD that you will somehow get "better" results by restoring and jail breaking, then by all means go ahead with that and satisfy your conscience.
I can't see, from my personal experience over a number of years, how the results will be different between jail breaking a brand new phone (which I have done in the past) and first performing a restore on a brand new phone and then jail breaking...
Do whatever makes you happy dude. But if in actual fact it is not working, then restore it and jailbreak!

Hope that helps...
f4780y said:
Sorry, I don't understand why you think you need to wipe anything... for what purpose? And what do you mean "Stayed the same"
You originally said you just jail broke a brand new stock iPhone and it was working, and asked if you should have restored it first? I said there was no need.
The jailbreak process actually does very little. It basically "roots" the phone. If your phone is jail broken and working, just enjoy it!
If you are paranoid or OCD that you will somehow get "better" results by restoring and jail breaking, then by all means go ahead with that and satisfy your conscience.
I can't see, from my personal experience over a number of years, how the results will be different between jail breaking a brand new phone (which I have done in the past) and first performing a restore on a brand new phone and then jail breaking...
Do whatever makes you happy dude. But if in actual fact it is not working, then restore it and jailbreak!

Hope that helps...

Sorry I didn't make myself clear enough. The iPhone has never been jailbroken before but I have been using it, ie got apps and data on it.

I normally restore then jailbreak, which I had to do with the iPad as I couldn't back it up, it took 5 hours and then my idiot mate decided to slide to cancel just as it was about to finish.

Anyway if the JB process is just as you say they I have no need to restore and start a fresh, thanks!

I remember I did the same back in 3, think it was with a snow one, it made all my icons disappear and then jumbled them up, ie press angry birds get FIFA! I was just worried that may happen again
No, you should be good. Jailbreak does not mess with stock apps or their data in any way (except Safari, but even then you won't notice it).
Another nooby question I'm afaraid. I'm just about to try and jb my 4.2.1.iPad. I know I need to back up first which I'm fine with. My question is; When I booted up iTunes tonight it said there was an upgrade available, should I upgrade before I jb or after or never ??
Thanks in advance.
Some have had trouble with upgrading from 4.2.1 tethered to untethered - they hd to get a clean 4.2.1 for it to work.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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