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greenpois0n RC5 WINDOWS VERSION release

What firmware is currently on ipad?

I upgraded from 3.2.2 to (8c148)

I have exactly the same problem - tried it 6 times so far and tired of restoring all the time, after the JB fails. Maybe we're the only ones or maybe we should wait for a future release of Greenpoison...

Im having the same trouble. My ipad is on 4.2.1 but i run greenpoison and it gets to the writing on the screen then fails. Anyone know what to do? My 3gs iphone went fine first time. strange.
Im having the same trouble. My ipad is on 4.2.1 but i run greenpoison and it gets to the writing on the screen then fails. Anyone know what to do? My 3gs iphone went fine first time. strange.
I had the same thing happen on my iPod Touch (but not my iPad) and I unplugged the docking cable. After a few seconds it continued the installation process and completed just fine.
have you waited a long time while jail breaking?

When I installed greenpois0n, the writing failed the first two times at different stages, but I just let it continue and now iOS runs fine.

how do you change the permission?
Step 3: SSH into your device and place the Animate file in /usr/bin/.
How do you SSH into your device? I know thats a newb question and I have been doing research but can't seem to make it work. I downloaded the trial version of CuteFTP and have tried to set it up with my device but I cannot make it work! What app do I need on my ipod/ipad to make this easier
to do? I need to change permissions on some files and it's driving me crazy. Any help you or anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

I explained that a page ago. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hack...rc5-windows-version-release-7.html#post127360
Ipad is jail broken on gp! Only question I have is how do you get of the loader app after youve installed cydia. Normally is disappears after for some reason it's not.

how do you change the permission?
Step 3: SSH into your device and place the Animate file in /usr/bin/.

Download openssh off of Cydia, then go to your computer. Download winscp if you are on windows, or terminal if you have a Mac. The host name is the iPads ip address and the username is root and the password is alpine. Winscp will give you some kind of warning but click yes. Find the file you downloaded and copy and paste or drag and drop into usr/bin/ and right click or option click and click properties. In winscp, it should have a tab for security. Click that and there is a bunch of checkboxes and a text box. Click inside the text box and change the numbers to 0755. I think terminal is similar.
I did this method and I think it worked. The bootup logo doesn't look like the one on that link, but I did get a different logo.
Ok, so I have the redsn0w tethered app and see that people are saying, yes it will work to jb that and no, do a clean reinstall of 4.2.1. Which one is it?? o.O And to reinstall 4.2.1, do I simple do a factory reset and the jb will be undone so that I can then do the GP one?

Rokr said:
Ok, so I have the redsn0w tethered app and see that people are saying, yes it will work to jb that and no, do a clean reinstall of 4.2.1. Which one is it?? o.O And to reinstall 4.2.1, do I simple do a factory reset and the jb will be undone so that I can then do the GP one?


Yes - restore factory - proceed with GP

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Ipad is jail broken on gp! Only question I have is how do you get of the loader app after youve installed cydia. Normally is disappears after for some reason it's not.

Opah loader and in the top left corner three is a button that says settings. Tap that and it will say remove loader.app or something like that.
noob question... how do I factory restore? Tried to restore via restore in iTunes, and it basically crashed due to 'error' and wouldn't allow a restore. Had to reboot via redsn0w tethered JB to get the pad back. Under settings on the ipad itself, there are the options; Reset all settings, Erase all content and settings, reset network settings, etc. Is the all settings or all content and settings the factory restore? I'm used to seeing an actual labeled 'Factory Restore' on most my electronics...


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