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Greetings, strangers


iPF Noob
Tired of waiting for a decent netbook (windows based and nice display resolution) I decided to hop into the ipad boat. Being a microsoft fanboy myself, it was a hard decision to make since this is my first apple product ever as I never owned an ipod before (AAMOF, I own a zune); I got a WinMo phone (HTC TP) and all my home/work computers are windows flavored somehow. Hence, this is my first time installing iTunes.

I bought the least capable model, with only 16g and no 3g capable, mainly because I got my phone to tether and the main reason is that here in Mexico, any type of data plan is way overpriced. You may laugh about AT&T attempts to rip you a new one, but seriously, they are no match for Telcel (major carrier for mexico, and possibly latinoamerica).

Well, I subscribed to this community with the main purpose of learning. DIY guides, pass the word on the coolest apps and games, discuss and review ipad accesories, this place seems to be the right place to start.

It takes about 13 seconds to reply "welcome to the dark side" :D, so I'll be glad from hearing those.
Welcome! This is a great forum and I think you will find many helpful threads and good people here.


Oh yeah... one more thing: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8]YouTube - Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)[/ame]

About half the folks here are Windows users, including me ;) so it's no big thing. iTunes on the PC is the same as iTunes on a Mac, and that is what your iPad interfaces with...

Welcome, and hope to read more from you!
It starts with an iPad.
Next thing you know.
You have an iPhone.
Then you decide that you
want a Macbook Pro,
but your only going to use it
to run windows, but you
start playing in OS X and
Bam! You're hooked.

Greetings and Welcome!
Windows for me too! I've bought two iMacs, one several years ago, one last year, but both times I ended up back with my Windows PCs. I just prefer Windows and didn't like the limited software available for Mac. But I've had all three iPhones and don't even look at any others, and I'd be lost without my iPad!

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