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Happy Birthday SweetPoison!


Ps. Farmville app, is working again

Hey You! Thanks! I don't play Farmville ~ is that part of Facebook? I don't do that either!

Hope you had a great birthday Marie!

Oh I did! A great one! Thank You!

Happy Bday!

Thank You! This is a great place!

Ack! In before the midnight chimes!

Happy happy birthday girlfriend!

(you can be late like me in November when I have my 13th anniversary of my 35th bday!)

Oh that is hilarious! I like that! Thanks, woman!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marie, I hope you have a great year ahead, with many memories, lots of love, men, joy and ipad apps! best wishes, desidude

I like that Desi! Only one man is enough for any woman.:D
Happy birthday Marie. I love your sweet personality here. Keep it up!!!!

Have a good one.....and remember....you are supposed to let the strippers get OUT of the cake before you light the candles. LOL!!!!!!

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