iPad Fan
Happy ThanksGiving Everyone......I was actually born on ThanksGiving a long long time ago...SMILE. This year my Birthday is the day after on the 28th.
Well Happy BD! And for those who celebrate the holiday, Happy Thanksgiving -

We are planning an over night stay @ the Proximity Hotel (below) in Greensboro (about a 40 min drive) on Thursday - will eat at the Print Works Bistro - Susan will likely order the 'turkey offering', but I will probably get one of their seafood dishes.
This is a NEAT hotel - looks like an old industrial building (which was near the property) but is a modern structure w/ art deco architecture - lot of blacks, whites, and metal w/ open pipes - always feel like I'm in one of those 1930s furturistic movies.
Actually, there is an Apple store up the road in a large mall - just bought Susan an iPhone 6 (on Friday from Verizon) - so I've nicknamed her iSue (an iMac, iPad Mini, & now an iPhone 6) - probably will not make a visit this time. Dave
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