col.bris Administrator Staff member May 7, 2013 #3,181 This thread was moved to hay day forum. We had to close the thread for maintenance. Sorry for any inconvience Thanks you
This thread was moved to hay day forum. We had to close the thread for maintenance. Sorry for any inconvience Thanks you
L lira1234 iPF Noob May 7, 2013 #3,185 Please Add me!!! MY GC NAME IS LIRA1234 I am active and always playing.. Since I have 500 storage space in silo and barn , I am always selling equipments..
Please Add me!!! MY GC NAME IS LIRA1234 I am active and always playing.. Since I have 500 storage space in silo and barn , I am always selling equipments..
Irene La Gamatius iPF Noob May 8, 2013 #3,191 I have added the above too! Add me please GC : Irene La Gamatius
D duckyr iPF Noob May 8, 2013 #3,192 Hi all, my GameCenter ID is ducky r(there is a space between ducky and r) and I'm currently level 33 on Hay Day. I play hay day daily! Hope to make some real friends here.
Hi all, my GameCenter ID is ducky r(there is a space between ducky and r) and I'm currently level 33 on Hay Day. I play hay day daily! Hope to make some real friends here.
C chunk3rvd iPF Noob May 8, 2013 #3,193 Add me on GC: chunk3rvd Regularly checking my list and helping out friends whenever I can