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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

I would like to trade 20 bolts and 20 tapes for 40 planks...lesser qty is ok too...please pm if interested..thanks
Hi everyone. I need a lot of axes and saws. Trade by bolts: 10 bolts for 50 - 60 axes or saws.
PM if you want to trade.
Thanks a lot.

GC: only_luv_u
Hi everyone, it's been a long while!!!!
I have loads and loads of mallets, stakes, deeds, and maps that I'd like to trade for tapes, screws, panels and axes.
Please PM me if interested
Stev4nne! How are you? It's been so long although I do visit your farm every now and then. If you still need rare, let me know...I always seem to have lots.
Hi guys! I'm looking for planks and screws I have plenty of bolts and tapes to trade. Please PM me if you're able to help. Thanks in advance!

Edit: All sorted... thanks all for you help!
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Looking for 13 nails n screws for silo upgrade.

I have bolts, mining mats, axes n saws to trade.

EDIT: sorted
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Hi everyone, I have screws and bolts to trade. I am looking for planks, tapes and panels.
Many thanks Jo
GCID jonew10

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