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HAY DAY GAME *Beginners Guide* Trading/Selling Etiquette

I need the instructions or manual to the game "Hay Day". I need to know about the boat. How to fill the crates and how to launch it as soon as it's full of cargo. Anyone?

I have moved your post to this thread. This should help.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Sorry. New to this. How do I find the main forum?
Welcome to iPF and hope you have a good time here. Its a pleasure meeting you. I don't know about the app, but if you are using the website, there is a flowchart type of thing above the first post of each page. Tap hay day forum and it takes you to the main forum. Add me plz, Lwf503 : behappy123
Painful lesson today - the little trash can at the bottom of a sale costs 1 diamond and DOESN'T return your goods - it trashes the sale and opens up the box for another item - but your goods are lost. Don't do it! rather ask a friend to buy the goods and sell back at the same price.
Nice, but really, the trading thing, is really a thing people should learn that about. I sell 10 wheat for 1 coin, but 1 what for 1 coin may mean something else. I have sold 1 wheat before though. And so your guide if good, is ok
Yet you don't cover everything, ok work. Little correction, Wheating is something else. You grow lots of wheat for a chance of earning something at harvest.
Nice, but really, the trading thing, is really a thing people should learn that about. I sell 10 wheat for 1 coin, but 1 what for 1 coin may mean something else. I have sold 1 wheat before though. And so your guide if good, is ok

Yet you don't cover everything, ok work. Little correction, Wheating is something else. You grow lots of wheat for a chance of earning something at harvest.

Just some advice...we have a very solid base of members who play Hayday here. They have spent endless hours to construct this "beginners guide." It is a guide that continues to evolve based on gaming updates and new gaming strategies.

So please, let's show a little bit of respect with this thread which has been constructed way before you joined. We have a lot of great members here. We hope that your game play with them is enjoyable here.

Please take a moment to review the forum rules: http://www.ipadforums.net/forum-rules-help-info/2119-forum-rules-everybody-please-read.html

Thank you,

Skimonkey ~ ipadforum Moderator | iPhoneforum Moderator

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