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HAY DAY GAME *Beginners Guide* Trading/Selling Etiquette

Thank you!

Thank you so much for this. I am new to the game and was wondering how trading works so had to google it up and i found this guide of yours. Will definitely give trading a try soon as I have stuff crowding my barn. :p
ThanQ i understand now. My stall is currently full of stuff, so no room for wheating yet. If you want to checkout my stall, happy for anyone to help emptying. Items are at full price, sorry as i did not know about this app until a few hours ago, but will certainly help trade as soon as i have room :)
Hello I am new to the game.. I saw a friend selling 10x wheat for one gold.. And I bought them I feel so embarrassed. :/ The only way to private message him is the forum? Isnt there any button to PM him ingame? Thanks for the beginners guide!
Hello I am new to the game.. I saw a friend selling 10x wheat for one gold.. And I bought them I feel so embarrassed. :/ The only way to private message him is the forum? Isnt there any button to PM him ingame? Thanks for the beginners guide!

'i think as newbies we have all slipped up by doing something like this, don't sweat it too much. You may have an item they need as a way of compensation :)

GC: Synth lvl38
I am making 6 posts so as to open the private message feature and to apologize and return the wheat back. But why did this player sell the x10 wheat 1 gold?! The trade guide says 1x wheat - 1 gold, or I misunderstood?
I am making 6 posts so as to open the private message feature and to apologize and return the wheat back. But why did this player sell the x10 wheat 1 gold?! The trade guide says 1x wheat - 1 gold, or I misunderstood?

you're not misunderstood, it's annoying sometimes when people sell like that, you just need to tell them you don't want 10 wheats
I am new to Hay Day, and I'm not sure if I should fix the dock or buy a cake oven.... They seem to be about the same price and I don't make that much money that fast??? Anyone have some insight on the subject?
I am new to Hay Day, and I'm not sure if I should fix the dock or buy a cake oven.... They seem to be about the same price and I don't make that much money that fast??? Anyone have some insight on the subject?

My advice, buy a cake oven. The boat is demanding and you will need cakes for it anyway. You can sell what you don't
need on the board and make some extra cash.

GC: Synth lvl40
Total newbie to this game and to forums about games, sorry! But pls tell me, what are these gift checks for mystery boxes that just popped up in a new mailbox?? How do we use them? And ok, while I'm being a helpless nube, how do we expand silos and barns when li'l things like duct tape and wood panels refuse to be offered anywhere? Thank you, kind farmers.
True. Are we buying/selling out of d game? Didn't follow d rules completely. Pls HELP. Right now am on level 38 and need land deed desperately. How do I communicate to other people. Farm name "smartowais"

Please be aware that this thread is not intended for players to randomly post in order to gain the Private Message Feature on this Forum. In addition, this is also not a Trading Request Thread either.

Please take a moment to review the Forum Rules which trumps all other rules including the Hay Day Etiquette rules of trading.


All posts will be deleted without warning. Please post with value.

Thanks for your understanding.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Hello, I am in desperate need of lots of saws and axes. I am willing to trade or purchase. I have read the rules and am still a little confused. If someone could help me please do so. My user name is my game name in Hay Day. Thanks a lot!!!
Hello, I am in desperate need of lots of saws and axes. I am willing to trade or purchase. I have read the rules and am still a little confused. If someone could help me please do so. My user name is my game name in Hay Day. Thanks a lot!!!

You're not in the forum. You're actually replying to a stickie that no one notices. Go in the main forum and post this. :)

GC: SeanRyanisGreat level: 37
Hay Day Instuctions

I need the instructions or manual to the game "Hay Day". I need to know about the boat. How to fill the crates and how to launch it as soon as it's full of cargo. Anyone?

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