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HAY DAY IMPROVEMENTS-what we think should be in the next update (no friend requests)

HD should check to see if a farm has had any activity for a period (3 months?) and if it hasn't then delete it from following other farms. I have a bunch of followers who are completely inactive but I can't get rid of them

GC: richleyd HayDay level 77. I only add friends before 1st trade
I think they should enable unlimited Hay Day friends itself, Not just gamecenter and Facebook friends! And Also should enable Private Messaging so the game would be more Interactive(:
I actually really like this current event.. To be honest, it shouldn't be an event, this should be a permanent thing.. why would you ever sell your items to visitors considering they pay less than you can charge at the roadside stand... and they don't really give any xp either.. 5? wutta joke. Supercell should either increase the ammount of xp that they give you depending on how expensive the items are that they are buying.. or leave this event as a permanent thing.. it may resolve the never ending bacon n egg / egg DD's .. assuming that they will fix this ad rehashing issue eventually..

the most frustrating thing is that there is no confirm for the diamonds.. i got so freaking mad the other day when i somehow paid 18 diamonds to make my blackberry bush finish their crop while i was freaking harvesting them.. soooo annoying.. and i waste atleast 1-2 diamonds a day from posting things in my roadside stand.. SC is so greedy, they want us to feel obligated to buy diamonds from them because we accidently waste our diamonds on stupid things !! i had been saving up for Tom for the longest time.. and once i wasted those 18 diamonds.. i just blew all my diamonds on increasing my roadside stand storage and increasing my fishing lure queue .. i think i would throw my ipad out the window if that happened again to me anytime soon....

on a final note.. please supercell.. for the love of cows.. pls give us a way to trade safely , this is pretty rediculous the way that we have to trade right now.. and so inefficent.. PLS start fixing the things that US, the PLAYERS have been wanting.. no, NEEDING to get fixed before adding more random junk like these events !!!
Someone probably already mentioned this, but it would be nice if we could sell our decorative items. I've gotten a bunch of the same decor item that I don't need that maybe someone else may want.
1- followers who require help be added to the help tab

2- followers tab sorted by level

3- be able to switch from friends tab to followers tab and help tab without losing position of the las person you viewed.

Example. If I have 200 friends from lev 100 to lev 10 after scrolling to lev say 35 then click on help tab it resets back to the beginning.
Now I hit friends tab and have to scroll all the way back to 35 where I left off... It's annoying especially when you have lots of friends and high lev.... It takes me minutes to scroll the list.

Maybe able to search for lev... Example enter 35 will take me to the start of the list where you can go up or down from lev 35. If not maybe page scroll . Example next 5/10/25 etc.

4- newspaper is outdated. Every time a new paper pops out I immediately go to an empty stall.... Like there is a lag. It could be Internet issues, but I click and its immediate when I go to someone's stall to shop.

5- sell or trade diamonds, I doubt it, but can ask

6- sell unwanted displays, I have so many tapastry that I just rather get coins.

7- sell or trade vouchers.

8- fishing keeps getting the same fishes over and over. Very hard to finish the complete set

9- shorter waiting time for next boat..4 hours is way to long.. Maybe 2.5 or 3 is more comparable.

10 why is the fruit achievement doesn't include berries or strawberries... They are fruit.. Only apple and cherries are only accepted?

11- new fruit and vegetables Pineapples. Broccoli, peas, apricot , bananas, beets, lettuce, nuts, etc we can make smoothies.. Need something new..

12- more gold vouchers...

13- Alfred the mailman hasn't giving anything good. Junk items.

14- jams take way too long to make

Thank you

Izzy NYC Barn 925 Silo 1200 game center Id -> isaelperez81 level 51 August 12 thank you Bobbie, Dhi & friends
1- followers who require help be added to the help tab

2- followers tab sorted by level

3- be able to switch from friends tab to followers tab and help tab without losing position of the las person you viewed.

Example. If I have 200 friends from lev 100 to lev 10 after scrolling to lev say 35 then click on help tab it resets back to the beginning.
Now I hit friends tab and have to scroll all the way back to 35 where I left off... It's annoying especially when you have lots of friends and high lev.... It takes me minutes to scroll the list.

Maybe able to search for lev... Example enter 35 will take me to the start of the list where you can go up or down from lev 35. If not maybe page scroll . Example next 5/10/25 etc.

4- newspaper is outdated. Every time a new paper pops out I immediately go to an empty stall.... Like there is a lag. It could be Internet issues, but I click and its immediate when I go to someone's stall to shop.

5- sell or trade diamonds, I doubt it, but can ask

6- sell unwanted displays, I have so many tapastry that I just rather get coins.

7- sell or trade vouchers.

8- fishing keeps getting the same fishes over and over. Very hard to finish the complete set

9- shorter waiting time for next boat..4 hours is way to long.. Maybe 2.5 or 3 is more comparable.

10 why is the fruit achievement doesn't include berries or strawberries... They are fruit.. Only apple and cherries are only accepted?

11- new fruit and vegetables Pineapples. Broccoli, peas, apricot , bananas, beets, lettuce, nuts, etc we can make smoothies.. Need something new..

12- more gold vouchers...

13- Alfred the mailman hasn't giving anything good. Junk items.

14- jams take way too long to make

Thank you

Izzy NYC Barn 925 Silo 1200 game center Id -> isaelperez81 level 51 August 12 thank you Bobbie, Dhi & friends

Wow man. You've been thinking about that for a while. All of those ideas are great ones I completely agree with! :D

Sean | Las Vegas, NV | GC: SeanRyanisGreat | Level: 42
Wow man. You've been thinking about that for a while. All of those ideas are great ones I completely agree with! :D

Sean | Las Vegas, NV | GC: SeanRyanisGreat | Level: 42

The thought of broccoli smoothies makes my taste buds wilt ! Lol

Sent from my iPad using iPF , GC yellowtillybird , UK . love to all! ;)
I thought you could takes "friends" out on GC? Is this not correct then? X

Sent from my iPad using iPF , GC yellowtillybird , UK . love to all! ;)
1- followers who require help be added to the help tab

2- followers tab sorted by level

3- be able to switch from friends tab to followers tab and help tab without losing position of the las person you viewed.

Example. If I have 200 friends from lev 100 to lev 10 after scrolling to lev say 35 then click on help tab it resets back to the beginning.
Now I hit friends tab and have to scroll all the way back to 35 where I left off... It's annoying especially when you have lots of friends and high lev.... It takes me minutes to scroll the list.

Maybe able to search for lev... Example enter 35 will take me to the start of the list where you can go up or down from lev 35. If not maybe page scroll . Example next 5/10/25 etc.

4- newspaper is outdated. Every time a new paper pops out I immediately go to an empty stall.... Like there is a lag. It could be Internet issues, but I click and its immediate when I go to someone's stall to shop.

5- sell or trade diamonds, I doubt it, but can ask

6- sell unwanted displays, I have so many tapastry that I just rather get coins.

7- sell or trade vouchers.

8- fishing keeps getting the same fishes over and over. Very hard to finish the complete set

9- shorter waiting time for next boat..4 hours is way to long.. Maybe 2.5 or 3 is more comparable.

10 why is the fruit achievement doesn't include berries or strawberries... They are fruit.. Only apple and cherries are only accepted?

11- new fruit and vegetables Pineapples. Broccoli, peas, apricot , bananas, beets, lettuce, nuts, etc we can make smoothies.. Need something new..

12- more gold vouchers...

13- Alfred the mailman hasn't giving anything good. Junk items.

14- jams take way too long to make

Thank you

Izzy NYC Barn 925 Silo 1200 game center Id -> isaelperez81 level 51 August 12 thank you Bobbie, Dhi & friends

Very well said, izzy...

GC: chadsea / HD level 59 (tnx, forum angels... i don't accept random GC request)
Several issues I noticed

1- iPad your can view. A 45 sec video and get a diamond. Not so with the iPod , no video option

2- the iPod you can click on the leader board and see your standings vs friends but not available on the iPad, connection timeout error

3- why is there a limit on gift cards. If you helped 20 people you should get 20 cards. Why limit it if your helping.

4- Alfred keeps giving me junk tapestry and plants. Either get a way to sell the items or have an option on choosing from a catalog. The whole mystery thing is getting old and disappointing.

5- fishing needs a revamp. Keep getting the same fish over and over. Wasting yellow and purple vouchers on the same fish and not advancing I can see why people stop playing after awhile. Since there is no challenge or something to look forward to if you never complete the task

i hate this slow small pos 3 gen iPod touch :( lev 52. game center isaelperez81
Tom the errand guy? 10 days ? No ! You get 6 days not 10 days

Sent from my iPad using iPF , GC yellowtillybird , lv 36. UK . love to all! ;)

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