Since we are taking an Avatar Change break...I was thinking about doing a Community Story. Someone starts writing a story, maybe a paragraph or a few sentences, then someone else adds more, etc. At 5 continuations, the last person finishes out the story. Then, anyone can start the next story. RULES 1. This is for fun 2. Anyone can join in 3. Stay appropriate to an open forum with all ages, all races, all countries, etc. able to read what was written without being offended 4. Person who starts story types COMMUNITY STORY at beginning. 5. First "Continuer" types CS1, second types CS2. 6. If you are Continuer CS5, you will conclude the story. (Maybe 5 is too many or too few...we will see) 7. You can be a successive Continuer if you wish. 8. You don't have to be eloquent to join...add your unique talent...if you're funny, edgy, moody, etc., show us!! We can give it a try... see if it is fun or a nuisance or an epic fail!! Lol! I'll start...