I am completely outraged. Time to walk the plank, Supercell! Always be yourself, but if you can't be yourself, then be a pirate! GC: pristoph Level 53
CS5 As Catherine hung up her phone, she realized something very strange...the voice she heard on the other end of the line was her own! Was this some twisted joke played upon her by her wicked and evil "parents" from beyond the grave? While she was but three months old, her parents died in a car accident. However, their cruelty knew no bounds or limitations! They only had adopted Catherine because it was stipulated they have a child in order to inherit the multi-billion dollar estate from Douglas Sommers, Eric's father. Eric's bride, Zilla, was not about to ruin her figure by actually carrying and having a baby, had their legal team research if adoption counted as terms of the inheritance, yes it was. Their cruelty stated that their child would not have even a penny of their wealth, should they happen to die, until Catherine turned 25 and a day. Catherine suffered under acute poverty. The will provided for a stipend pay for a care-giver only, not even for a proper Au pair! Catherine, quite bitter, turned the table on her "parents". She excelled in her schooling and graduated Harvard Magna *** laude. She had garnished the single and only coveted Harvard Helper Award, a complete and full-ride scholarship with added monetary compensation. She "made it" and she celebrated this ON her 25th birthday. Three days later, Catherine arrives at the Walker Law Firm. The elevator opens and she steps in. As the doors begin to close, she hears someone yell "Hold the elevator, please!" Normally, she hits the button to close the doors quickly..., except she recognizes the voice...it was her own. As if looking into a reflecting glass, both women stared at each other. During the meeting with Spencer L. Walker, III, it comes to light that the woman are, indeed, identical twins, that Zilla paid a nurse to snatch a baby, that the car accident involved both girls' biological parents and the drunken adoptive parents of Catherine, and that Douglas Sommers was Grandy's beloved brother. Kit and Caboodle embraced their sisterhood and started a foundation to aid children who have been orphaned. The foundation is called "GranD Sommers Love Network" and is the largest non-profit association of its kind worldwide. The End.
Hurrah! A happy ending! GC: EyeC999 Level 99
Brava!! Chumleyboo, level 84
Hurrah! A happy ending! GC: EyeC999 Level 99
CS5 As Catherine hung up her phone, she realized something very strange...the voice she heard on the other end of the line was her own! Was this some twisted joke played upon her by her wicked and evil "parents" from beyond the grave? While she was but three months old, her parents died in a car accident. However, their cruelty knew no bounds or limitations! They only had adopted Catherine because it was stipulated they have a child in order to inherit the multi-billion dollar estate from Douglas Sommers, Eric's father. Eric's bride, Zilla, was not about to ruin her figure by actually carrying and having a baby, had their legal team research if adoption counted as terms of the inheritance, yes it was. Their cruelty stated that their child would not have even a penny of their wealth, should they happen to die, until Catherine turned 25 and a day. Catherine suffered under acute poverty. The will provided for a stipend pay for a care-giver only, not even for a proper Au pair! Catherine, quite bitter, turned the table on her "parents". She excelled in her schooling and graduated Harvard Magna *** laude. She had garnished the single and only coveted Harvard Helper Award, a complete and full-ride scholarship with added monetary compensation. She "made it" and she celebrated this ON her 25th birthday. Three days later, Catherine arrives at the Walker Law Firm. The elevator opens and she steps in. As the doors begin to close, she hears someone yell "Hold the elevator, please!" Normally, she hits the button to close the doors quickly..., except she recognizes the voice...it was her own. As if looking into a reflecting glass, both women stared at each other. During the meeting with Spencer L. Walker, III, it comes to light that the woman are, indeed, identical twins, that Zilla paid a nurse to snatch a baby, that the car accident involved both girls' biological parents and the drunken adoptive parents of Catherine, and that Douglas Sommers was Grandy's beloved brother. Kit and Caboodle embraced their sisterhood and started a foundation to aid children who have been orphaned. The foundation is called "GranD Sommers Love Network" and is the largest non-profit association of its kind worldwide. The End.
Beautiful and inspiring ending! Very well done! GC iluvbree lvl 124 ppI don't accept random FR's
it's not been a great day but it's getting a lil better, if we can wait( I almost chuckled aloud on that one) I'll get back with you. If you don't hear from me soon( you know) don't wait on me. I would love to though even if it scares me a bit, I haven't written anything original minus riddles and poems( I love giving them as gifts or in addition to gifts to my friends and family, I've even written a few for them to give as gifts) I'm hoping to be back soon!Ahh, thanks, Micky! I loved all the twists in here! It was so easy to tie everything around...as if we all had the same vision!! Micky, would you like to start the next story? I think it would be fun!![]()
it's not been a great day but it's getting a lil better, if we can wait( I almost chuckled aloud on that one) I'll get back with you. If you don't hear from me soon( you know) don't wait on me. I would love to though even if it scares me a bit, I haven't written anything original minus riddles and poems( I love giving them as gifts or in addition to gifts to my friends and family, I've even written a few for them to give as gifts) I'm hoping to be back soon! GC iluvbree lvl 124 ppI don't accept random FR's
Ooh, like the poem idea! GC: EyeC999 Level 99
I'm rubbish at riddles, lol, and have absolutely NO patience to attempt to solve one...I'm just awful with them...Anytime anyone tries one with me I'm all "I dunno, I give up, just tell me!" Lol!! I'm quite happy to watch you guys have a go, mind you... GC: EyeC999 Level 99