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HayDay Lottery

Thank you all for taking part :D Answer is 30 Fish Pies! Results are as follows: EXACT: chadsea - are you psychic? That's the second time you've exact guessed my lottery! :-P 1st Prize: Oh Ye Irish One, lol.. Michelle, you ought to go nuts more often. Bake me cornflake cakes please, lol :D - guess 29 - 2nd Prize: Mickymaid :D - guess 28 - 3rd Prize: Dacamigurl :D - guess 24 - Chad, as I didn't specify an "exact guess" prize, I decided to give you a set of all the prizes mentioned in the initial post, make room in your barn, my friend, lol :D Again, if anyone's level is preventing them from collecting certain prizes, let me know and we'll work something out. Well done folks, and thanks again for playing ;-) Winners will receive PM shortly. Bear with me, I'm not all that good at being organised, lol. :D iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 74 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)

WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Laura, thanks super much... I don't know how i guessed it again... Maybe because my barn needs the prizes? Thanks super much snd sorry if i just logged back here...

GC: chadsea / HD level 61 (tnx, forum angels... i don't accept random GC request)
So sorry to Gxies and mandamarie for not getting your prizes to you, however my parents internet went down and cell service sucks there!!!! I'm back, have messaged you both! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, the ones who celebrate that is!!!!

GC iluvbree lvl 106 I don't accept random FR's
WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Laura, thanks super much... I don't know how i guessed it again... Maybe because my barn needs the prizes? Thanks super much snd sorry if i just logged back here... GC: chadsea / HD level 61 (tnx, forum angels... i don't accept random GC request)

lol, you're clairvoyant Chad!!

Let me know when you're around to collect your goodies :-)

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 74 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
Hello folks!

Let me bring life back to this.

2 days from now this lotto will close. If no response I will extend longer.

How many lollipops?

Guess correctly get--- 1 diamond ring and a lollipop

1st closest - 1 necklace and a lollipop
2nd closest - 1 bracelet and a lollipop
3rd closest - maybe a silo/barn upgrade 2x material

If you want to sub I can arrange depending on my stockpile

Now only one number per person and one entry. If mistaken edit your choice if no one has taken the number.

Good luck


Izzy Level 58 silo 1700 barn 1300 thanks Bobbie & friends. GC : isael.perez FB: isael.perez 91/99 achievements complete as of January 13, 2014

Edit was additional prize


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Hello folks! Let me bring life back to this. 2 days from now this lotto will close. If no response I will extend longer. How many lollipops? Guess correctly get--- 1 diamond ring and a lollipop 1st closest - 1 necklace and a lollipop 2nd closest - 1 bracelet and a lollipop 3rd closest - maybe a silo/barn upgrade 2x material If you want to sub I can arrange depending on my stockpile Now only one number per person and one entry. If mistaken edit your choice if no one has taken the number. Good luck Izzy Izzy Level 58 silo 1700 barn 1300 thanks Bobbie & friends. GC : isael.perez FB: isael.perez 91/99 achievements complete as of January 13, 2014 Edit was additional prize

Hm.. Im guessing.. 23?
I cant buy lollipops atm though lol. My level isnt high enough :P
Hello folks!

Let me bring life back to this.

2 days from now this lotto will close. If no response I will extend longer.

How many lollipops?

Guess correctly get--- 1 diamond ring and a lollipop

1st closest - 1 necklace and a lollipop
2nd closest - 1 bracelet and a lollipop
3rd closest - maybe a silo/barn upgrade 2x material

If you want to sub I can arrange depending on my stockpile

Now only one number per person and one entry. If mistaken edit your choice if no one has taken the number.

Good luck


Izzy Level 58 silo 1700 barn 1300 thanks Bobbie & friends. GC : isael.perez FB: isael.perez 91/99 achievements complete as of January 13, 2014

Edit was additional prize

Hey Izz. I will guess 6. Is this a trick question? Thanks for hosting!

GC: pristoph ......... HD Level 53.....DV Level 32

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