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Hello from Scotland


iPF Noob
Heelo there.

Got my ipad yesterday. Imported it from the US and UK folks I can tell you its better than you think it is going to be.

I was on it surfing, setting up email, playing games and watching telly for 6 hours last night and the battery once finished was 58%

Absolutely brilliant device. Everything works fine, apart from the App Store. Says its not available in this country but thats ok, just browse the app store on the PC then download and sync with the iPad, job done.

G'day from down under check out the International forum If you need help just ask
Colin in Australia

Welcome from the continent. Where exactly do you come from? I'm quiet often in the Glasgow area and near Edinbourgh.

Hope you have as much fun with the iPad, as I do.

Welcome from the continent. Where exactly do you come from? I'm quiet often in the Glasgow area and near Edinbourgh.

Hope you have as much fun with the iPad, as I do.

A wee town called Inverkeithing in Fife. Just beside the Forth Road bridge, kinda central for all parts of Scotland.
Welcome to the forum. Scotland is my favorite place to visit. I lived in England (Yorkshire) for 6 years and visited Scotland all the time. Enjoy and keep us posted on you experiences with your new toy.


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