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help get me started on manual upgrade


iPF Noob
I cannot upgrade on line with iTunes. I have obtained the files for both the iPad and iPhone, and upgraded to the latest iTunes. I can't seem to find instructions for performing this kind of upgrade (5.0.1). It seems there is some prodeedure that has to be made on the zipped files and folders of the firmware that I has been dowloaded and sent to me on disk, but I'm unable to figure what that is.

I am ready to upgrade the phone now and re-jailbreak... the JB proceedure not being the issue for me. As soon as I think it's just the right time to do the iPad 2, I'll need to be ready to go on a moments notice perhaps, and want to get prepare for it now.


Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
So, from the way you wrote your post, i assume you are on 4.3.3.
The only things you need are:
1. iPad (duh :))
2. Computer
3. Internet access on the computer
4. Know how to use DFU mode.
5. Your iOS 5.0.1 ipsw

What's the "internet access" for??

Thanks for the reply, but... that doesn't tell me how to build or otherwise obtain a .ipsw file from the downloaded zipped folder I have. The last time I went through something like this - on the iPhone 4 - I had to use a piece of software to build that custom file. Yes... this time I will be installing a clean copy of 5.0.1, then JBing in another operation, but the folder of the firmware which I downloaded from the official site and source, does not contain any .ipsw files.

There's gotta be more.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
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What's the "internet access" for??

Thanks for the reply, but... that doesn't tell me how to build or otherwise obtain a .ipsw file from the downloaded zipped folder I have. The last time I went through something like this - on the iPhone 4 - I had to use a piece of software to build that custom file. Yes... this time I will be installing a clean copy of 5.0.1, then JBing in another operation, but the folder of the firmware which I downloaded from the official site and source, does not contain any .ipsw files.

There's gotta be more.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF

If you are using internet explorer, it renames the .ipsw as a .zip.
I suggest using another browser like Firefox. Internet Explorer is a hacker's worst nightmare.

And itunes has to have internet access to "verify" the restore with apple. No internet, no restore. Just saying this because you might be on a trip. :)
Ya. I'm just waking up from the trip, I guess. (In reality, I'm always "on a trip" as I'm a fulltime RVer.) I have just discovered that the files that should have been called xx.ipsw are indeed changed to .zip. I'll fiddle with it some, but this is a major PIA. It's taken me days to get these files downloaded at a friends location, recored on disk, and then mailed to me (overnighted UPS). DARN!

If anyone knows if there's something that can be done with the zipped folder that I have (it's got to be all there), please let me know ASAP.

And I get the Internet connection thing now. I do have connection to the web, but it's pretty bad down here in the hole where I'm located now.. and through Verizon and my iPhone 4. I'm going to be trying to upgrade the phone first, and if it needs an internet connection (which would have to be through itsself) - seems like I might be plain out of luck on all of this.


On the up side, I do have both the pad and the phone working well and both hacked. It could be a much worse situation.

And thanks for the clue on the .zip thing. I appreciate your help and time.
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Hey... I just found this at some other place :
Note: Your browser may change the ipsw-file into a zip-file. In that case, just rename it to end in .ipsw and iTunes will accept it.

Maybe there hope for me yet. I could go downtown somewhere that has WiFi, and with the computer and phone do the upgrade there.

This is looking more promising by the minute.
Hey... I just found this at some other place :

Maybe there hope for me yet. I could go downtown somewhere that has WiFi, and with the computer and phone do the upgrade there.

This is looking more promising by the minute.

Yep, but if you are on 7 or, god forbid, vista (shudders...), then you have to have the right permissions to change the extension.
No problem there, as I am the crowned King of my computer... Windows 7. This does seem like an issue that should be brought to the fore in the thread that contains those links and I'm going to bring it up.
No problem there, as I am the crowned King of my computer... Windows 7. This does seem like an issue that should be brought to the fore in the thread that contains those links and I'm going to bring it up.

You may be an administrator on you pc, but there are some things you have to configure to be able to make the changes permanent.
Why do you tease me like that...? Configure? Such as? I changed the .zip file extensions to .ipsw, and they are still changed.

While I'm here -- after having made a "repair" operation on the latest iTunes installation which I had made days ago, and using a different install file, I still get the message that a backup cannot be performed on either the phone or the pad when I do a sync or just call for a backup. Is this going to be a problem when I do the upgrade with the .ipsw files local?

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