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Help Help Help - why do I get this message when sending a message using live.con

I tried in gmail setting it up. Won't work error message about gmail and password.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

'Settings', 'Mail, Contacts, Calendar',<-choose the gmail account->, 'Account', 'Outgoing Mail Server', 'SMTP', 'Primary Server',

Server -> 'On'
'Host Name' -> smtp.gmail.com
'User Name' -> your gmail email name
'Password' -> your gmail password
'SSL' -> 'On'
'Authentication' -> Choose 'Password'
'Port' -> '465'

and give it another try if you didn't have it set up this way before...

It took the third level of applecare today. Guy there is a problem with live.com and the ipPad2 . I actually lost my contacts on both the iPhone 4 and the pad2 total contacts between the two units 996. I almost had a stroke. I will say this about a level three engineer with Apple they are very good. I got 2.5 hours of sleep last night , but I have all my contacts. Thank God I had Mobile Me on the Ipad.

Just watch @live accounts The Photog I'll let you know how the iPad is running over the next couple of days. By the way I dumped live.com and notified everyone I have a yahoo account now. I'm only running the old live account on a laptop. And using it to respond with the new email address.

Thanks to everyone last night.
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I would take the path of least resistance and set up a 'gmail' account. That will enable you to get your emails sent. We can worry about the other problem when you've a little more time. Get those urgent emails away first.


It was a nightmare the other night, but I'll tell you this Apple stepped up to the plate with their service. Thanks for hanging with me the other night. Did you notice 4.3.1 update yesterday? When did that come out?

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
4.3.1 has only just - last couple of days - been released. It's a bug fix - no additional functionality from 4.3.

Glad your problem is fixed now. Good to hear Apple could sort it.

I'm having this same issue with my mother's iPad. I've deleted and re-added the yahoo email account; re-started the machine; tried to add in the "Option" information for the outgoing server but it's greyed out so I manually added an outgoing server, entered that optional information, turned the other server off and still nothing. Any suggestions?

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