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Help, the sound has gone from my ipad2!


iPF Noob
Mar 20, 2012
Reaction score
New zealand
Hey, switched my ipad2 off, when I switched it back on there's no sound! I've tried puttg the mute button on and off but it's not working. Also when I try and adjust the volume it now says headphones and I'm sure it never said that
Before! Can anyone help? Thanks! :)
Sounds like there is something stuck inside the headphone socket. Try plugging headphones in and then unplugging a couple of times to see if it clears the problem. Your speakers will automatically mute if the iPad thinks there are earphones attached.

If that doesn't work, you might want to give the socket a quick blast of compressed air. Use one of those aerosols designed for cleaning keyboards, rather than 120 psi of industrial compressor.

Failing the above, it sounds like a trip to the Apple store.
Careful with the air blasts. Compressed air comes out cold and can cause condensate. Don't go blasting away at the headphone jack and cause water damage. A short squirt from at least an inch away, then check for moisture.
Thanks so much! How bizarre, I'm not sure how that even happened! Phew. Bloody hell I got the fright of my life
When I put in the headphones and the music was on full blast, haha. Thanks guys, have a good one! :)
Did your speakers work when you unplugged the headphones? And twerp is right. Compressed air is definitely not to be considered lightly.
Oh please help...the same thing has happened to me. And it says dock connected on the iPad when I don't even have a dock. Being of a certain age this is my first piece of technology and I love it and really miss the sound. I have tried putting phone socket in and out and blowing into socket but nothing changed.

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