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Help Using I-Tunes Make Folders & port PDF


iPF Noob
Does any one have the time and patience to step-by-step me through the process of creating a folder or folders via I-Tunes and port PDF files over from the hard drive to the I-pad device?

I successfully dragged some PDF files from my hard drive to the books icon in I-tunes and they showed up on the device in iBooks. However, I will be dealing with scores of files/letters that are presently in folders on the hard drive. Each file (letter/lesson) has its own name. Perhaps 20-30 files are then in a folder categorized by date/year ... eg., 2010 ... 2009. In IBooks, the icons are so small I cannot see the name of individual files.

These files really need to be in folders on the device. I was unsuccessful in Itunes in trying to drag the entire folder to the device.

I have installed IBooks, IAnnotate (PDF) and GoodReader on the Ipad. If something else is needed, I would gladly go to the store and get it.

I am really dead in the water at this point at any attempt to use the I-pad in my class room until I can get my lessons in some semblance of order.

Could someone please help
Jer (one half of the jerliz team)
I add PDF files like this go to file > add folder to library > select folder from your hard drive I don't know how this will work for you I have only done three PDF files. There are several apps that are designed just for PDF files you may find more useful for your needs just search the app store under PDF.
Dropbox is website/computer app that saves your files and syncs changes etc you install on both pc and iPad then drag your folders to the drop box folder on pc. When you open drop box on iPad your files are there for you to use.
What Brenn has said. I didn't continue to expand in that post as there is quite a lengthy thread on here full of dropbox love and tips just a couple of pages down. :)
I love Dropbox, but there is one big caveat: All of your files are saved to their web servers. If you have Gigabytes of data this can take a long time, it can eat up your bandwidth caps, and it can cost money as Dropbox is free unless you need more than 2GB.
Thats true, but once you've transfered them you can download/save and delete too. Just be sure you save a copy on each computer (outside the dropbox folder) and you're good to start over if you're purpose is for file transfer.

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