iPF Noob
OKay devices first
Jail broken
Iphone4 iOS 5.0.1
iPad 2 same as above
Problem- after an enormous amount of frustration (and a total waste of time and money) I gave up on Intelliborn corecting the "on demand service" which they advertise specifically everywhere to be idevice-idevice friendly, thus the basis of its appeal and the PURPOSE OF IT. I bought it because I'm a law student (20$ to mywi that I didn't have) and for some reason the school has 2 buildings that don't have wifi, because apparently its 1996. (sorry millennium generation) after hours wasted, a few grey hairs and premature wrinkles, having my iPhone die mid way through a 3 hour lecture, to cut off wifi with my iPad (which thanks to all of the creators, who have made it possible for me to get through college and into law school, with apps that record lectures and allow me to take notes, having a learning disability on top of having the worst organizational abilities ever, I'm actually a master at UN-organizing if you will. The apps and jail broken tweaks, addons etc, have made it nearly impossible to become unorganiZed or lose something as a result of not syncing or emailing it to myself)
Okay now I've derailed.
Point is I finally did enough research and honestly was annoyed to the point of desperation and purchased Itether on demand knowing that it mug not work bc I guess the problem is with the BTstack itself from ios4-5 something happened. Well for 5$ it worked. On demand worked for my entire lecture tonight all 3.5 hours of it.
Only thing is, I take notes using a bt keyboard (apple) and bc of the airblue stack I couldn't turn on or at least figure out how to pair my kb without the native BTstack, which I couldn't enable without disabling airblue and disconnecting the tether not knowing if it was a fluke and wasn't going to reconnect. I discretely googled it during th electure and qued BTstack keyboard from Cydia, when I did that I cancelled it see that it was going to install another BTstack and I didn't want to do something that would lead to sbcrashes for 45 minutes while I attempted to stay in safe mode long enough to fix it. I looked a little bit more and it seemed to be the only thing, after searching how to pair a kb with airblue (which I hate as well bc I payed for airblue share and all it did was cause frustration and crashes that crash reporter didn't even know what to do with, and btw the "update" they just released doesn't fix anything don't buy it) I couldnt find a single thing about how to or anything telling me that I shouldn't which Cydia never fails to do thank god. So I installed it and the keyboard app crashed 3 times on my iPad and I went to Cydia and uninstalled. It only listed the BTstackkeyboard in removal where it installed 5 things. So I re sprang and then went to connect to google some more and was untethered and couldn't figure out how to uninstall BTstack and get the iPad to default to airblue, to tether on emand again
So in short( or very long ) how can I remove BTstack (it's not listed in installed section in Cydia) I. Cannot be it to select none (out of ios native and none) it just spins the circle thing on one of the two stacks endlessly and won't stop, restring be reboot done still I'm not sure if I need one f them installed.
Can. Pair my keyboard with airblue if so how? ( and pretend I'm a 22 year old girl who only knows things about apple product because of a talent I have of crashing had drives or somehow doing something that cuts right through the "user friendly" straight to iHell, which I lived in for 2 weeks when both iMac and mbp crashed as a result of lion installs, I was only able to fix both of them because of people on forums like this apple support is bull****, and going to the genius bar, which i ended up doing bc after a smart cover magnet fault my ioad crashed to the floor and getting a refurbished model as a replacement, still under apple care cost 300$k it didn't work. They swaped it out When I asked at the genius bar (in between telling him i didnt care how many timed he turned it on and off and i know how to force quit apps and apple is very aware of smart cover malfunctions and problems, i paid for a replacement give me one that works andshut up) i live in NY and iHell and grand central apple store can make you want to go iPostal, the guy told me they could look at it (MBP) (50$) but a repair (150$) would be hard, and probably it's unfixable kiss your data goodbye Lion called and says sorry. I came online and recovered EVERYTHING on hd that had been zerod and installed over, without time machine backups all thanks to people like you))
Okay help remove BTstack
Directions to pair apple by keyboard with airblue so it can be used while airblue is tethering Itether on demand.
Omg sorry I wrote a dissertation
Jail broken
Iphone4 iOS 5.0.1
iPad 2 same as above
Problem- after an enormous amount of frustration (and a total waste of time and money) I gave up on Intelliborn corecting the "on demand service" which they advertise specifically everywhere to be idevice-idevice friendly, thus the basis of its appeal and the PURPOSE OF IT. I bought it because I'm a law student (20$ to mywi that I didn't have) and for some reason the school has 2 buildings that don't have wifi, because apparently its 1996. (sorry millennium generation) after hours wasted, a few grey hairs and premature wrinkles, having my iPhone die mid way through a 3 hour lecture, to cut off wifi with my iPad (which thanks to all of the creators, who have made it possible for me to get through college and into law school, with apps that record lectures and allow me to take notes, having a learning disability on top of having the worst organizational abilities ever, I'm actually a master at UN-organizing if you will. The apps and jail broken tweaks, addons etc, have made it nearly impossible to become unorganiZed or lose something as a result of not syncing or emailing it to myself)
Okay now I've derailed.
Point is I finally did enough research and honestly was annoyed to the point of desperation and purchased Itether on demand knowing that it mug not work bc I guess the problem is with the BTstack itself from ios4-5 something happened. Well for 5$ it worked. On demand worked for my entire lecture tonight all 3.5 hours of it.
Only thing is, I take notes using a bt keyboard (apple) and bc of the airblue stack I couldn't turn on or at least figure out how to pair my kb without the native BTstack, which I couldn't enable without disabling airblue and disconnecting the tether not knowing if it was a fluke and wasn't going to reconnect. I discretely googled it during th electure and qued BTstack keyboard from Cydia, when I did that I cancelled it see that it was going to install another BTstack and I didn't want to do something that would lead to sbcrashes for 45 minutes while I attempted to stay in safe mode long enough to fix it. I looked a little bit more and it seemed to be the only thing, after searching how to pair a kb with airblue (which I hate as well bc I payed for airblue share and all it did was cause frustration and crashes that crash reporter didn't even know what to do with, and btw the "update" they just released doesn't fix anything don't buy it) I couldnt find a single thing about how to or anything telling me that I shouldn't which Cydia never fails to do thank god. So I installed it and the keyboard app crashed 3 times on my iPad and I went to Cydia and uninstalled. It only listed the BTstackkeyboard in removal where it installed 5 things. So I re sprang and then went to connect to google some more and was untethered and couldn't figure out how to uninstall BTstack and get the iPad to default to airblue, to tether on emand again
So in short( or very long ) how can I remove BTstack (it's not listed in installed section in Cydia) I. Cannot be it to select none (out of ios native and none) it just spins the circle thing on one of the two stacks endlessly and won't stop, restring be reboot done still I'm not sure if I need one f them installed.
Can. Pair my keyboard with airblue if so how? ( and pretend I'm a 22 year old girl who only knows things about apple product because of a talent I have of crashing had drives or somehow doing something that cuts right through the "user friendly" straight to iHell, which I lived in for 2 weeks when both iMac and mbp crashed as a result of lion installs, I was only able to fix both of them because of people on forums like this apple support is bull****, and going to the genius bar, which i ended up doing bc after a smart cover magnet fault my ioad crashed to the floor and getting a refurbished model as a replacement, still under apple care cost 300$k it didn't work. They swaped it out When I asked at the genius bar (in between telling him i didnt care how many timed he turned it on and off and i know how to force quit apps and apple is very aware of smart cover malfunctions and problems, i paid for a replacement give me one that works andshut up) i live in NY and iHell and grand central apple store can make you want to go iPostal, the guy told me they could look at it (MBP) (50$) but a repair (150$) would be hard, and probably it's unfixable kiss your data goodbye Lion called and says sorry. I came online and recovered EVERYTHING on hd that had been zerod and installed over, without time machine backups all thanks to people like you))
Okay help remove BTstack
Directions to pair apple by keyboard with airblue so it can be used while airblue is tethering Itether on demand.
Omg sorry I wrote a dissertation
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