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[Personal] Review of ZAGGmate (Bluetooth Keyboard/Case)

If you wouldn't mind further explaining your concern about addressing the "delete" function, this would help ensure that we assist you in the best way possible. Thank you.
Due to the curvature of the iPad sides it does not fit in the ZAGGmate without keyboard when the screen is face up.
It's great I bought mine on sale two day's ago and just love it.... I did however manage to move it twice into a position that the iPad nose dived to the ground... oh and I don't think I am stupooood.... just care less I think:) Thanks for the comprehensive review.
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My ZaggFolio keyboard stopped working.
In fact, I suspected a low battery but it's just NOT charging now, I can't have a blue light and, as a matter of fact, I can't get any DELs to light up.

This is a bit worrying. I've got the same keyboard (Solo model without the folio) and the exact same problem - suddenly the keyboard just died; won't connect, won't work, won't charge or show any activity on the LEDs no matter what I do. My unit was brand new when this happened, I've only had it for a couple of days of very light/random use so I hadn't even recharged it once.

Paying for shipping for the replacement (I live in Finland) so soon after purchase is definitely not something I'd like to do.
I'm very sorry to hear that you are experiencing these problems with your keyboard. ZAGG strives to offer world class customer service and we want to make sure that you are happy with our products. I'm going to contact you directly so that I'm able to assist you with this concern further.
ZAGGFolio keyboard case

I have reviewed a few of them Keyboards cases, i do think that the ZAGGFolio has one of the better if not the best keyboard out there.

We have one in our office for a few months now and seems to function well. (just that i read some people on the thread here had some issues with it)

While some other solution can be half price, if someone is keen on a keyboard case and is a heavy iPad user, i think its worth the money.
Roody said:
I need help. I push one letter and it just repeats itself. How do I make this stop
I began experiencing the same issue w/my zaggmate about 2 months ago. Then about 2 weeks ago the support piece that flips up broke. I was lucky that I still had aabou one week left in my one year warranty. I called zagg customer service & after they looked up my warranty/order info, they sent a replacement out the next day. I was very impressed with their customer service. The only issue I had was that there were no instructions for, or paperwork pertaining to, how to return the old zaggmate. I'm sure I can find it online though.
I'm curious because I never had an issue until I exchange my iPad for a refurb iPad. Now, every once in a while, when typing, the last character I typed will repeat for a few seconds, then the soft keyboard pops up for a second and then it disappears and everything goes back to normal...
I have the same problem with the status light not coming on when fully charged and the keyboard not pairing. Was there ever a resolution posted?
Just bought the new iPad and also the Zagg screen protector and Zaggmate. I now notice that when I place the iPad inside the Zaggmate the "rubber" strip (above the keyboard that anchors the iPad while typing) has left a large and noticeable crease across the screen protector. After several days of use this crease is now a permanent feature and visible while using the iPad.

Has anyone else experienced this or do I have a defective Zaggmate?
Sounds like you may have not let your screen protector cure long enough. Call ZAGG and get a replacement sent out and this time let it cure for more than three or four days before putting it into that slot.

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